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Girls Clothing Limits in summer.

My mom's strict rules

Posted by PrincessRose on 2023-11-28 20:58:00

You are super lucky you get to $%!@e Melissa! It sounds like you had lots of fun with the vibrator!

Posted by vicki03 on 2023-11-29 08:55:47

Good session Melissa! 3 orgasms in an hour or so is pretty intense, I can understand that you were so sweaty and drooling. And being spanked just before an orgasm feels so good, it is great that your mom and Jane did it. I must say you have already much experience for your age :) BTW are you still 11? When is your birthday?

Posted by melissa_11 on 2023-12-03 14:55:01

Hi all,

I'm still 11, although I'm closer to 12 now, my birthday is in February.

I have an exciting update from the past week.

I get along well with my classmates and there are several girls I consider my friends. However, Emily is my best friend and I spend more time with her than with others. We study together at one of our homes at least once every week.

Mom wants to keep secret everything about our lives that society doesn't see as "normal", so I am allowed to put on some clothes when my friends are visiting. But, it's mostly just Emily and mom has been letting me wear only short dresses or even just a longer t-shirt when Emily is here. Since recently, mom has been telling me that she thought about making me follow the rules even when Emily is here and that my best friend should understand that and keep it a secret. I didn't know how I can possibly tell this to my best friend.

Emily is very perceptive and she noticed long time ago that I don't have any underwear. Recently, when I only had my shirt on, I couldn't avoid flashing my butt to Emily when I had to get something out of my backpack and she couldn't let it go until she made me raise my shirt and show her my whole butt. I thought that she would keep on teasing me, but I was surprised when she told me that she likes going pantyless herself.

Emily's parents are quite conservative and she is required to dress modestly in public as well as at home. She wears long skirts, loose shirts and white cotton panties underneath, but now she admitted to me that she often takes the panties off, especially at home, even though she is certain she would be punished if her mom or dad found out.

Now it was my turn to be play a bully. I started asking Emily if she ever tried our her mom's clothes or wore short skirts when her parents were not at home. She admitted to all this. I kept digging deeper until Emily admitted that a few times when she was home alone, she stripped naked and went around the house like that.

I didn't expect this, although I should have seen it coming, Emily asked me if I ever walked naked around the house. I panicked a little and Emily saw it. I tried changing subject, but it wasn't going to help me, besides, I thought about what mom wanted.

And so, I blushed and admitted to my best friend that I'm naked at home, even in front of mom. I didn't tell her about anything else (the rules, punishments, $%!@ion), just this, but even so, it was hard to expose this kind of thing to my friend. I made her promise several times not to tell anyone.

Then we sat in the silence for a while, looking at each other, we both knew what was going to happen, we were just gathering our courage. Actually, I was ready to do it, but I wanted to give Emily more time. After a while, we both stood up and removed our clothes. I did it first, because I had only one garment, but it didn't take long for Emily to remove all of her clothing.

We stood in front of each other, gazed at our naked bodies and I felt wonderfully happy that I'm sharing such a secret with my best friend. It turned out Emily felt the same way. After the initial shock we laughed, hugged each other and danced.

We were completely oblivious to my mom who was now in my room, watching us. Emily let out a quiet scream and sat on the bed, trying to cover herself with the clothes that was thrown there. But mom told her everything that she has been telling me - that nudity is OK, that in fact girls should spent at least some time naked at home and that she has nothing to be shy about.

This worked, Emily relaxed a bit, but she was still sitting with her legs crossed and kept her hands over her $%!@. But, the deal was struck that from now on, Emily will follow my rules when she is visiting, but that she would be given some time to adjust. After that, mom left.

Emily was surprised to hear that I had rules and I had to explain how I had to be naked and not cover myself with hands, nor cross my legs, etc. It was so different from her rules that she said she loved mine. I also had to explain how I was shy initially and how mom and others helped me. I genuinely feared of what Emily would think of all this, but she said she wished her parents were like that.

When it was time to leave, Emily dressed up in my room and I went downstairs naked. Mom invited her to come again tomorrow.

Emily did come the next day, fortunately she lives close to us and can come by herself. Of course, the exception to my rules no longer applied and I was naked, so mom went to answer the door. She brought Emily into the living room, where I was and asked her to undress there if she felt confident enough. Otherwise, she still had the option of undressing in my room.

I thought that Emily was going to choose the latter, but no, she began to remove her clothes and she got completely naked in front of me and mom! And she stood straight, not trying to cover her $%!@, like she wasn't embarrassed at all.

Mom told her that her clothes would remain here and that later Jane would come, but that Emily should remain naked. She told Emily about two other rules - the correct order of dressing and undressing (bottoms first to go off, last to go on) and about the pubic hair. Emily was expected to follow the former rule, but the latter was optional. Emily could choose what to do with a little bit of pubic hair that she had.

We went to my room and when the talk inevitably came to the issue of pubic hair, Emily admitted that she wasn't quite sure how an adult woman would look like naturally. She saw some illustrations from the brochures that we were given at school, but her parents severely controlled how she used the internet. I offered to use my PC and showed Emily. She didn't like the little hair she had growing there and she was disgusted by the images of hairy pussies. Then I told her how my mom started waxing me when I was younger.

Emily wanted the hairs removed, but her mom would not allow such a thing and Emily didn't know what to do. Of course, my mom could wax Emily, but if her mom found out, Emily would never be allowed to see me again.

A bit later I heard that Jane had arrived (the door of my room always stays open, that is the rule) and I told Emily who that was. Then mom came to my room and said that Jane had brought cookies and we were welcome to come downstairs. Of course, Emily was offered a choice of staying here if she didn't want to go naked in front of a woman whom she had never met, but she decided to go.

It surprised me how Emily just started getting naked in front of others yesterday and now she already seemed quite relaxed in front of essentially strangers. Anyway, Jane commented Emily's sprouting pubic hair and Emily said that she wanted to remove them, but her mom was too conservative and too strict in her own way.

Jane thought about this and proposed a solution - she could shave Emily. That way, if her mom found out, Emily could claim that she did it herself, with her dad's razor. She loved the idea, she said that she would certainly get punished if found out, but she could handle that. It wouldn't be connected to me or my mom. The downside is that the shaving would have to be done often, but to Emily that was an acceptable trade off.

Emily loved the idea so much that she wanted to be shaved right then. Again I was surprised when Jane took her hand and led her to the bathroom, I followed because I had to see this, while mom stayed behind.

In the bathroom, Emily asked to pee first and she did it in front of us. Then she spread her legs and patiently waited as Jane soaped her and shaved those hairs off. She only had some hairs in the pubic area, so Jane only checked her between the legs and didn't do anything there.

Now I was actually jealous of how Emily handled this. I was getting naked in front of mom for years and this summer it took me weeks before I could be this comfortable, but Emily just met Jane and she had no problems spreading her legs and having her $%!@ shaved! And she could easily pee while being watched too! Anyway, once the shaving was done, Emily examined herself in the mirror and caressed herself. She was thrilled that her vulva was smooth again.

But, later Emily admitted to me that she did feel embarrassed, especially during the shaving, she just forced herself to be like me, because she knew it was just a matter of getting used to.

She stayed for a while longer, together with all of us in the living room and then she got up to go. She put on her panties, but then remembered about the correct order and lowered the panties down to her knees while putting the top on.

Next time I'll go to her place, but we agreed that we will be pantyless on that evening. Hopefully her mom won't find out.

Posted by mrsimon007 on 2023-12-04 15:46:08

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Posted by vicki03 on 2023-12-05 14:14:21

Such a cool friend you have! :) Have you already went to her place?