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Age of Consent to Sexual Activitiy

No Force-then its not rape.

Posted by Wet_Darcie on 2015-01-17 22:06:56

I was just emailing someone about this. My relationship with my husband has evolved from simply being submissive to slowly, and willingly, becoming his slave. This other person I was emailing believes that as a woman, she was made to be used and even humiliated for sex by men. She understands it to be her lot in life. However she was describing a party where she and her daughter were "force fed" large amounts of Vodka until they blacked out. She then related that in the morning it was obvious that they were "raped several times". I said I didn't think it was possible for her to be raped. As a slave, I know it is my duty to service anyone, male or female, who my husband consents to. He has said more than once recently that anyone who wants me can have me. He doesn't care. Under those conditions, is it possible for me to be raped? I have given my consent to obey my husband's wishes no matter what and if he wishes me to give it up to anyone who wants me, is it rape?



Posted by baldeaglemomm on 2015-01-18 17:55:09

I don't see how it would be if you agreed to obey his wish then you already agreed. Your then not being raped. I guess I'm unclear about your friend and her daughter, if they gave the same permissions and willingness to give their bodies.

Posted by Wet_Darcie on 2015-01-18 23:53:10

At least she believes it is their lot in life to pleasure men. I am not sure if they have made promises to obey like I have. I know that like me, they are both barred from wearing clothing at home.

As for rape, since I know that I have no choice in the matter anyway, being stripped and forcibly taken by a stranger has its appeal. I wonder if my giving myself over to the situation willingly would take some of the "fun" out of it for him.

It's also kind of fun knowing how many men I pass each day who could simply have me by telling me they want me and never know it.

Posted by justmydadson on 2015-01-20 13:41:37

Like I said before, as long as everyone is happy with the circumstance of the sex then it is not rape or abuse. It's only abuse when someone is having things done to them when they object to it.

Posted by jenniec on 2015-02-08 03:12:40

wet darcie - seems a shame that your friend and her daughter were unconscious and couldn't enjoy the experience. I love having several men $%!@ in me in a row. how old was her daughter?
