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Are vegans weird?

Animals, mother natures pets.

Posted by superfalkner on 2004-10-25 04:49:16

I love animals, they're delicious. Animals are great with potatoes. If animals are people too, you must have no problem making love to them. Ozzy is king!

Posted by dippinskinny on 2004-11-22 03:56:28

Wasn't the chicken scandal of a major supplier to KFC and not actually the KFC company. Thus you would be boycotting the wrong company. If I'm right, once again someone is suggesting a boycott of the wrong company. If I'm wrong, oops.

Posted by AlanSwtOk on 2005-01-12 23:13:47


As the owner of a restaurant who serves 14 vegetarian dishes 12 of which are vegan, none of which are organic I must say that our vegan/vegetarian customers are innocuously a little weird. from a business standpoint....I don't make any money from them. However I have nothing against them. I would point out though that my customers would not stand for a price increase if I were to purchase organically grown, non-engineered vegies and meats. I would loose at least 75% of my business and therefore my livelyhood. I have nothing against carnivors becuase when I look at my teeth I find I have canines and i know ALL my ancestores (except the weird ones LOL) ate meat. I find your questions skewed towards vegan/vegetarians. If you really want non-biased answeres you should ask non-biased questions. Lets remember that many animals eat other animals, death and dying are a part of life and sometimes pain comes along with it. I don't like the fact of insensitive treatment of animals however. Even those restaurants that claim to have range-raised animals may not be telling the whole story or may not even know the whole story to the meat they serve.

Posted by Canaduck on 2005-01-20 20:35:06

Yep, it was Pilgrim Products or something. But being that KFC is guilty of many offenses and exists as one of Pilgrim Products' main clients, it makes sense to boycott them. As a vegan I'm technically boycotting any meat company, but it's a little easier to get the general public to focus on boycotting one of the largest, most ethically questionable restaurant franchises in the country than every individual grocery store that happens to sell PP chicken.

Posted by Canaduck on 2005-01-20 20:48:26


I don't really feel that you took a good look at my quiz, to be honest. I put in questions focusing on ethical omnivores because I DO believe that it's okay for humans to eat meat. I won't do it and I honestly can't see what the appeal is for others, but that isn't my business. I don't have any problems with people patronizing organic farms. It's when animals are abused and tortured for purposes of quick food production that I feel obligated to pass judgement. Can't you see the difference?

You seem to be on the right track, but you're a little misled. In your post you mentioned that "many animals eat other animals, death and dying are a part of life and sometimes pain comes along with it"--well yeah, of course. However, I think that it's fair to expect that the death of a food animal be as quick and painless as possible--uncompromised by human desire for faster, cheaper food and bigger profit margins.

Thank you for offering so much veggie food at your restaurant, though. That's really very impressive.