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Babysitters Bathing Boys

Bathed by babysitter at 12

Posted by linda14 on 2010-04-18 14:55:00

Ive done that. His mum showed me. You have to pull it back and rinse him underneath the forskin . Its quite difficult because its all so slippery when you wash him there. You have to sort of hold his willy with your fingers of one hand and then sort of slide the end back with the other hand, but you have to be careful because it seems to hurt him if you push it back too far. Then you just rinse water over it and slide it back for him. Its looks so cute under the forskin, all blue and pink. I ve washed a few boys like that and I love doing it to. Well Im 14 and experienced washing boys.

Posted by Barry123 on 2010-05-15 19:19:10

Linda and Nicci, do any of the boys get hard when you are washing their willies? I used to get erections sometimes when I was about 10 and 11 when my teenage babysitter used to bathe me. We would both start giggling and she would pull it with her fingers or slap it to tease me.

Posted by joyanne on 2010-05-16 17:45:39

i would tell your mother to call the police for sexual abuse

Posted by joyanne on 2010-05-17 19:15:05

nicci, don't you think pulling and slapping a boys private is abuse or is the norm when babysitting. i will go along with whatever you say.

Posted by mittali on 2010-05-18 17:58:19

hi Linda , im 21yr old nd im a bs nd used to baby sit boys from age 7 to 15 and i dont thnk their is any prb in bathing a boy of age bet 7 to 15. I use to bs a 7,10,12 and 15 year old boys. I use to regularly give bath to all of them and i didnt face any problem and moreover they were shy at 1st or 2nd attemt but now they are ok