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Why did you vote for Bush?

I love Bush

Posted by JasDaisy on 2005-02-23 02:05:15

Regardless of whether or not you support his policies, it is wrong to just bash the daylights out of our president. Granted, we have that right under the First Amendment, but as civil human beings are moral code should dictate others. Kerry deserves the same respect now and if he would have been elected.

I believe Bush has the fiber and moral strength needed to take this country where it needs to go. I can relate to his background, and firmly support the War on Terrorism. I actually tried to enlist with the intention of going overseas to fight.

Posted by CaptJack on 2005-05-24 10:04:52

I don't mind seeing someone genuinely disagreeing with the President, no matter if it's Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter or whoever. If someone is against the death penalty, as an example, and it's important enough to them they will vote against a candidate, fine. What I don't like are the revisionist historians and the people who are hateful just because someone isn't with a certain party. With our current President, many of the people on this site can do nothing more than call him Hitler and call anyone that supports him a Nazi. This is asinine, and to me only makes a mockery out of the horrible things the Nazis did. And, before anyone starts griping, I thought it was just as hateful when Rush Limbaugh started calling Hilary Clinton a "femi-nazi".

Posted by chucksmom on 2005-05-24 13:41:52

Bush doesn't have "moral fiber", he's got a good PR dept.

Only a alcholic,coke-head, vietnam deserter and a lady who killed her boyfriend while driving drunk could succeed by preaching "Christian values". Sure is "Christian" to spend $300 billion on a war w/a country which DID NOT have WMD's, which DID NOT have anything to do w/9/11. God forbid that same money be spent on AMERICANS, here at home. That would be communist or something..right Red Staters?

What they need is ETHICS, a good strong dose.