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Homosexuality: Your Opinion

Hey Somebody, Find Somehwre Else To Preach! You've Become Extremely Annoying!

Posted by Parson Brown on 2001-12-06 14:26:31

The term "holier than thou" was clearly created with you in mind. You go around on these boards, trying to come off like the epitome of a calm, rational, eminently righteous champion of all things good and decent - and frankly, it's gotten nauseating! I thought you oughta know. :)

Posted by Somebody on 2001-12-08 22:34:06

You can't silence me.I have as much of a right to express my beliefs as you do to express yours, but you liberals don't respect my rights.I have already made it clear that I will continue to post.What's more you know that what I speak is the truth and you resent the truth being told.You wish to do anything that pleases you and ignore the concepts of right and wrong.When someone speaks up with the truth you can't stand it.You'll just have to get over it because I am firm in my purpose and will not be chased away. ========== In Reply To ========== The term "holier than thou" was clearly created with you in mind. You go around on these boards, trying to come off like the epitome of a calm, rational, eminently righteous champion of all things good and decent - and frankly, it's gotten nauseating! I thought you oughta know. :)

Posted by Somebody on 2001-12-08 22:56:28


"Parson" Brown, I'm glad that my words annoy you.It shows that you may have a conscience and there may be hope for you after all.You have no legitimate argument against what I have said.All you could say is that I am annoying and nauseating.I imagine that it IS annoying to have your sins pointed out to you and I praise the Lord for that. ========== In Reply To ========== The term "holier than thou" was clearly created with you in mind. You go around on these boards, trying to come off like the epitome of a calm, rational, eminently righteous champion of all things good and decent - and frankly, it's gotten nauseating! I thought you oughta know. :)

Posted by raian on 2004-06-04 12:09:39

Okay, okay. Hold on, "somebody." Let me just get this straight... you say that first of all, you speak the word of god and god is never wrong. Do you know how many people in the past have said this? The crusaders of medieval Europe said, "We're going to claim the holy land for God," when really, what they did to acheive this was nothing close to christian. Hitler said that he was following god's word, and we all know that he was evil (you cannot refute that). So how do you know you are "correct" by simply saying you repeat god's word? Furthermore, let's just sweep your entire "argument" of its feet by introducing this: what makes you think the bible is correct? You keep attacking us because we don't have proof for our points; you've conveniently avoided supporting any of your beliefs with anything but the bible. Congratulations. Reply to me if you'd like.

========== In Reply To ========== "Parson" Brown, I'm glad that my words annoy you.It shows that you may have a conscience and there may be hope for you after all.You have no legitimate argument against what I have said.All you could say is that I am annoying and nauseating.I imagine that it IS annoying to have your sins pointed out to you and I praise the Lord for that.

Posted by Chriswatkins1056 on 2006-12-29 07:49:57

Re: Hey Somebody, Find Somehwre Else To Preach! You've Become Extremely Annoying Posted by somebody on 2001-12-08 17:34:06 You can't silence me.I have as much of a right to express my beliefs as you do to express yours, but you liberals don't respect my rights.I have already made it clear that I will continue to post.What's more you know that what I speak is the truth and you resent the truth being told.You wish to do anything that pleases you and ignore the concepts of right and wrong.When someone speaks up with the truth you can't stand it.You'll just have to get over it because I am firm in my purpose and will not be chased away.

You have the right to have your own opinion on homosexuality, I don't reject that, but neither do I fear you, Somebody, nor your god who throws innocent babies born out of wedlock straight to hell. Oh! Don't believe me? It's written in the Bible that Bastards will never inherit the Kingdom of God. What do you think the biblical definition for the word 'Bastard' is? A bastard according to the Bible is a child born out of wedlock! In the old testament God commanded that babies born out of wedlock and their mothers be burnt to preserve the sanctity of the tribe of Isreal, God's chosen people. It clearly states in the New Testament that children born out of wedlock are an abomination to God and can never enter heaven. So guess what? If you were born outside of wedlock you don't exist as far as the God of the Bible is concerned. If not, then perhaps you should know that I was, and I don't have a problem with it.