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User: Somebody



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Posted in Being naked in front of brother/sister on 2002-01-23 16:45:02

========== In Reply To ========== First of all my sis is really hot. & she is always rubbing that in. so one day i was really hard and decided to rape her. I waited untill my parents were gone. aand i said if she did not have sex with me i would tell dad about her smoking. so my sister lost her virginity to me! ha ha! I stuck it in good & made her scream! lol true story!

LMAO that's hilarious

Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2001-12-17 05:43:48

Old Coot, Disagreeing has nothing to do with it.Would you want to join a hip-hop/rap club if you hated the music and was strictly a country music fan?I doubt it.Chances are you would not be wanted in the club by the other members either.Judy's group is a discussion group for pro-spanking parents.Why would she want anti-spankers in her group?That would be as silly as having dogs in a cat club.Don't be ridiculous. ========== In Reply To ========== In other words: anyone who dares to disagree with you will be kicked out. Thanks, but I prefer free speech.

Posted in What are your views on witchcraft? on 2001-12-12 06:24:39

Jeni, It's really sweet of you to want to know my name but trust me, you wouldn't want to know me.I'm not capable of contributing anything to anyone that they would value.I am very firm in my beliefs but the only thing they ever succeed in where other people are concerned is offending people.If my beliefs and intentions were truly understood by others, they would know how loving they are towards everyone including the people who live the lifestyles of which I am opposed to. but I am a failure in communication.The only thing I'm good for is keeping to myself because if I open my mouth my words are not taken as they were intended.If I offend you at least you will be offended by only a nameless stranger.Believe me Jeni, it's better this way.

Posted in What are your views on witchcraft? on 2001-12-12 05:59:07

before I can answer that...

Jeni, before I can answer your question of am I willing to listen to your reasons and evidence for your beliefs, please understand that I must ask you something.Does any of what you want me to look at contradict the bible?If not I will be more than happy to oblige, but if so I am forbidden to have any part of it. ========== In Reply To ========== I'm actually glad you'll be going slow on the respnses because I'm having finals this week and I'm going to be a bit slow too. :-)

"Most people won't believe me but it is documented that the "hell" doctrine was inserted into religious teachings by Emperor Constantine."

Actually, I do believe you, and I did know that already (one of the many reasons I don't believe in the existence of Hell). Based on your reasoning here, am I to assume that you're willing to consider the idea that not everything the Bible says is actually what God meant to say? What I mean is, are you willing to consider that some things might have been either mistranslated from their original Aramaic, Herbrew, and Greek when coming into English, or that some other problem might have caused them to be misunderstood (such as the consept of Hell being inserted by Emperor Constantine)? Since you're telling me you don't believe in Hell because the doctrines proving it were added artificially, I don't see how you can deny the possibility of similar evidence with regard to other classic Christian concepts. Are you willing to at least entertain the idea and let me provide you with reasons and evidence supporting some of my own beliefs?


Posted in What are your views on witchcraft? on 2001-12-12 05:50:29

Jeni, There are many classic Christian concepts that I believe to be false.Two examples I can give you right off are the observations of Christmas and Easter as Christian holidays.It is documented in history that these are actually pagan holidays from long before the birth of Christ.The bible even commands us not to observe them (one place it does this is Jeremiah 10).But do I believe things in the bible to be false?No.I don't believe that any of these things are taught in the bible.I believe that people only think that they are in the bible because they are reading the bible with pre-conceived beliefs in their minds that were taught to them by mankind including the ministers in church.I understand what you mean about assuming.Many is the time when I expressed these beliefs that someone just assumed me to be a Jehovah's Witness, but I'm not. ========== In Reply To ========== I'm actually glad you'll be going slow on the respnses because I'm having finals this week and I'm going to be a bit slow too. :-)

"Most people won't believe me but it is documented that the "hell" doctrine was inserted into religious teachings by Emperor Constantine."

Actually, I do believe you, and I did know that already (one of the many reasons I don't believe in the existence of Hell). Based on your reasoning here, am I to assume that you're willing to consider the idea that not everything the Bible says is actually what God meant to say? What I mean is, are you willing to consider that some things might have been either mistranslated from their original Aramaic, Herbrew, and Greek when coming into English, or that some other problem might have caused them to be misunderstood (such as the consept of Hell being inserted by Emperor Constantine)? Since you're telling me you don't believe in Hell because the doctrines proving it were added artificially, I don't see how you can deny the possibility of similar evidence with regard to other classic Christian concepts. Are you willing to at least entertain the idea and let me provide you with reasons and evidence supporting some of my own beliefs?
