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Posted in What are your views on witchcraft? on 2001-12-12 05:38:37

Jeni, I don't know what that makes you.I won't ever again make such a determination unless you tell me personally.As to the links, I can search for them in a little while but to the best of my memory if you just look at the polls that have the words homosexual(s)(ality),abortion, and spanking in the titles, I think Charlotte's views are in those. ========== In Reply To ========== If you know Charlotte's views from the comments section of other polls, you need to provide links either to the messages in question or to the polls themselves to back this up. Not everyone reading this (myself included) has read the comments to every poll here, so we have no idea whether you're making this up as you go along or if you have some reason to back up your stance or if your reasons are taken out of context (such as my response to Charlotte's message being taken out of contects, for instance). Think of this as a persuasive essay--it's your job as the writer to make your points and to provide evidience to support those points, You cannot make claims about anything without evidence to back it up.

As for being pro-homosexuality, pro-abortion, and anti-spanking making a person liberal, that is not even remotely true. I've known a great many conservatives to be all three of those things, and I've known a great many liberals to be the opposite of these three things. You certainly can tell us what things Charlotte supprts or doesn't support (as long as you prvide proof), but you cannot designate her political stance if she has not previously stated it explicitly herself. I know I said I'd shut up about the Satan worshipper comment, but please understand I'm not rubbing it in your face right now, I just need to use it to illustrate a point--you gave me a label based on your observations of things that I supported and did not supprt, yet that label turned out to be completely and totally false. The same can easily be true of Charlotte--for all you know, she may be a die hard right-wing conservative Republican, and unless she states explicitly otherwise, you don't have the authority to speak for her.

I'm pro-homosexuality (as far as the granting of equal rights and protection; as I said, I'm undecided about the religious implications of homoseuality, but even if it were a sin, if it happens between two consenting adults and does not involve any unconcenting or underaged party, it's none of my business and I have no business butting into their private lives and tellig them what they can and cannot do), pro-freedom of religion (and this means all religions, not just Judao-Christian religions),anti-abortion, and pro-spanking (only pre-puberty; post-puberty is not the time for spanking--discipline should have already been firmly established by this time, among other reasons for my apposing post-pubescent spanking). So what does that make me?


Posted in What are your views on witchcraft? on 2001-12-11 02:14:32

Jeni, I mean this respectfully.I do know what Charlotte believes from what I have read in the polls.That is how I know she's a liberal (I think.Tell me if I'm wrong in what I'm about to say).It is my understanding that pro-homosexuality, pro-abortion, and anti-spanking are the typical liberal stance.If I am right about this, then that is what makes being a liberal something bad.Think about it Jeni.With all due respect to you I ask you, how can a political stance that supports the murders of the most innocent of humans, babies, be anything but bad?Please don't take offense.It's not my intention to offend you, I just want you to think a minute.Human babies murdered and usually so nonchalantly on top of that!

Posted in What are your views on witchcraft? on 2001-12-11 01:46:14

My reason for my views that witchcraft and homosexuality are evil is because the bible tells me they are.That's all.That's my reason.I know that you think that only means that I am not capable of thinking for myself and that I am afraid to search for the truth but I believe whole-heartedly that I have already found the truth, that truth being the words that are written in the bible.As to not thinking for myself, I believe that while I am only a foolish human-being, God is all knowing and correct in everything.When I read the word of God, he instructs me to live not by my own understanding and forbids me to listen to the doctrines or teachings of men.He commands that I believe his every word and have faith in him and him alone.He commands me not to even look at something that is suggesting an idea that is contrary to what he says.I am sure he knows what is best for me.After all he is my creator.Who would know better how something works than the one who invented and created it?

Posted in What are your views on witchcraft? on 2001-12-11 01:18:41

Jeni, I want to answer your questions but your messages are so long and there are so many questions I will have to do it a little at a time.My browser doesn't permit me to view your messages at the same time I make mine, so its very difficult to keep up with.I also have other things to do that I cannot put off, so it may take several days to answer you completely.Let's start with hell and Satan.I can very easily believe in the existence of Satan and not believe in hell.What I get from the bible is that the people who are condemned by God after the resurrection and judgement will be put to death forever.Death as in blacked out, non-existent.Most people won't believe me but it is documented that the "hell" doctrine was inserted into religious teachings by Emperor Constantine.If you read the bible very carefully, it does not speak of the literal eternal hell for human-beings.Satan is the enemy of man because after Satan rebelled, man took his place as God's creatures and Satan is jealous of us.Satan and his demons who are spirit can never die and will indeed be thrown in a fiery pit.But God prevented this from happening with man by making him mortal.In case man fails where Satan failed he can and will (if God judges so) be put to death and not given the eternal life that the one's who succeed will get.If you go back to the original language you can see that the word which has been translated into "hell" simply means grave or place of death.Most people will not agree with any of this but that is what I get from the bible.

Posted in What are your views on witchcraft? on 2001-12-11 00:58:35

Jeni, I know you said you forgive me for calling you a Satan worshipper and I thank you, but it is obvious to me from your messages that you are still very hurt by the foolish cruelity of my false accusation.I am being punished as I feel the deepest remorse from the bottom of my heart and from the deepest part of my spirit.As I type this message I have tears in my eyes but I don't deserve your pity.I have hurt your feelings my sister, and my conscience now tortures me.I don't deserve to be forgiven.I want to take back what I said but I know that cannot be.Unlike physical wounds, wounds to the feelings don't heal, at least not to my knowledge.If you want me to be punished, just tell me how you would like me to punish myself and I will do it.Is there any way I can make it up to you?I'm sorry.I know sorry is poor concilation for hurt feelings but I lack knowledge of anything else to say.Perhaps there are no words to justify my sin.I hope it helps you a little to know that I am suffering greatly.