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Homosexuality: Your Opinion

This Poll Amuses Me

Posted by Marmalade on 2002-03-08 15:42:02

What's "natural" about a man sticking his dinky in another man's bum? It is pure, unadulterated perversion.========== In Reply To ========== Okay, then consider this. I was born with brown hair. I can choose to dye it red or blond or even purple, if I so desire, but that won't change the fact that it's really brown. I'be dyed it both red and blonde (never tried that purple thing, though), but both times it looked really unnatural because that's not the haircolor I was born with. We are born a certain way for a certain reason. We can try to deny the way we are born, like I did when I dyed my hair, but at the end of the day, I'm still a brunette. That's how God made me. God made homosexuals homosexual for a reason, too. You wouldn't have sex with a man because you're not gay. The idea might even disgust you. You can choose to have sex with a man, but it wouldn't be natural to you. Just like that, a homosexual can choose to have sex with someone of the opposite sex, but it wouldn't be natural to them. Why do something that goes against your nature? It's just not logical.

Posted by Overmind on 2002-03-17 22:29:26

Nothing's "natural" about sticking a $%!@ in another male's "bum." Science has got something wrong if they say it's genetic, OR, the gene was created by someone curious a long time ago about seeing what would happen if he stuck his sex organ in another guy... Either way, homosexualitiy has nothing natural about it! Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against homo or bisexuals; until they invite me to join them. ========== In Reply To ========== What's "natural" about a man sticking his dinky in another man's bum? It is pure, unadulterated perversion.

Posted by Ainslie on 2002-03-21 20:58:42

Your argument has one basic flaw: You are making your theories based upon wealthy countries. Millions of people die of starvation every day. Literally: millions. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. More poeple die of AIDS each year than in every U.S. war combined (And that's only in America. It doesn't include other countries, and especially not Africa where it's killing off entire villages). And until relatively recently (in the scientific sense) there were many other diseases. And AIDS isn't the only disease that still kills many. There was an outbreak of the plague in India a few years ago. As recently as the 1950s, influenza outbreaks have been deadly. Wars have never been the leading cause of death in the world. We are not programmed to hate. All you have to do is watch children playing to realize that. Hatred is taught.

Posted by Ainslie on 2002-03-21 21:02:07

Science has proven that it's inborn. So if homosexual sex is a perversion, heterosexual sex is, too.

========== In Reply To ========== What's "natural" about a man sticking his dinky in another man's bum? It is pure, unadulterated perversion.

Posted by Ainslie on 2002-03-21 21:03:26

Genes can't be "created" be a person.

========== In Reply To ========== Nothing's "natural" about sticking a $%!@ in another male's "bum." Science has got something wrong if they say it's genetic, OR, the gene was created by someone curious a long time ago about seeing what would happen if he stuck his sex organ in another guy... Either way, homosexualitiy has nothing natural about it! Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against homo or bisexuals; until they invite me to join them.