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Homosexuality: Your Opinion

This Poll Amuses Me

Posted by Overmind on 2002-03-22 00:27:13

But you've failed to realize the flaw in such "Scientific Proof." If homosexuality is a gene, then that person would be homosexual, because it's their genetics. HOWEVER, there are people who once were homosexual, but then stopped being homosexual to become heterosexual. If you claim to not have heard of such cases, then I'd love to hear where you get this sort of news from. Since you said "...genes can't be 'created' by a person," then that gene making one homosexual COULD NOT be edited [since editing something creates something new] to make them hetero. So if someone is homosexual and it's genetic like you claim, than they must always be homosexual. But like I said some people "quit" being homosexual to become heterosexual [or even bisexual], which dissproves your claimed "Scientific Proof that homosexuality is genetic." Now, with what I've provided, it appears that "homosexuality being of choice" is the real way people are homosexuals. Maybe we are both wrong. Maybe it's the environment, or the water they drink, but it isn't genes. ========== In Reply To ========== Science has proven that it's inborn. So if homosexual sex is a perversion, heterosexual sex is, too.

Posted by Overmind on 2002-03-22 00:52:46

Your argument, too, has one basic flaw. As I took your advice to watch kids play, I realized hatred was amung them just as much as it is me and you. At first, everything seemed fine, but then everyone realized who was the most skilled player. The least skilled players were never passed the ball, and stood there pleading to play. When the skilled had had enough of it, they would do something to make them shut up--often hit, or make fun of. It didn't just end at the game; the least skilled were made fun of throughout weeks, and in many cases, it's months, years, or even lifetimes that they continue to be attacked. It is that kind of natural selection that will one day decide if us or our kids will live or die. Our beliefs are what is already causing millions to die, and the strongest belief will eventually take charge, then break up again to fight each other again.
If you ask me, that's the perfect way of natural selection amung intelligent beings. One day, [though that day certainly is not today] all diseases will be cured. What will keep our population from growing too large? My hatred towards you, your hatred towards me [no, I don't hate you, and you probably don't hate me, it's just an example] will eventually drive us to prove one's superiority--either by killing, or simple name calling. Hatred is amung kids. I think it comes natural for humans to hate each other because we are different. However, as humans will eventually overcome all of natural selection, I can see manking overcomming our hatred for each one day too. Then, we'd trully be the best thing ever to hit Earth. ========== In Reply To ========== Your argument has one basic flaw: You are making your theories based upon wealthy countries. Millions of people die of starvation every day. Literally: millions. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. More poeple die of AIDS each year than in every U.S. war combined (And that's only in America. It doesn't include other countries, and especially not Africa where it's killing off entire villages). And until relatively recently (in the scientific sense) there were many other diseases. And AIDS isn't the only disease that still kills many. There was an outbreak of the plague in India a few years ago. As recently as the 1950s, influenza outbreaks have been deadly. Wars have never been the leading cause of death in the world. We are not programmed to hate. All you have to do is watch children playing to realize that. Hatred is taught.

Posted by guywithhooters on 2003-03-09 03:36:17

If it's not normal,then it's not normal sticking it in a gals butt either.But lots of men do that also.

========== In Reply To ========== It's not normal sticking your@#$% in another guys butt.