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Homosexuality: Your Opinion

Charlotte's self righteousness

Posted by Somebody on 2001-11-29 22:37:48

Charlotte, Here is a summary of the difference between you and me: YOU believe all of YOUR ideas to be correct.You see everything according to your OWN understanding.If YOU say that something is not a sin then it is not a sin.YOU believe YOURSELF to be intelligent.YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU.YOU the supreme authority on EVERYTHING.Everything is this way or that way because YOU said so.YOU could never possibly be wrong.I believe everything GOD says to be correct.If if my limited human mind is not capable of understanding GOD'S reasons I believe GOD anyway and do not rely on my own understanding.If GOD says that something is a sin then it is a sin.I am only a human-being and can easily be wrong in my own ideas, but my CREATOR is much wiser and knows what is good or bad for his creations.In his loving kindness HE has left me a book telling me what is right and what is wrong.HE is the supreme authority on EVERYTHING.HE could never possibly be wrong.Everyone has sinned, so in that aspect you and I are no different.The difference between us is that you have faith in your own self righteousness and I have faith in the righteousness of God.

Posted by Somebody on 2001-11-29 22:43:13

Charlotte, In his loving kindness he has left you that same book as well but you don't believe what it says. ========== In Reply To ========== Charlotte, Here is a summary of the difference between you and me: YOU believe all of YOUR ideas to be correct.YOU see everything according to your OWN understanding.If YOU say that something is not a sin then it is not a sin.YOU believe YOURSELF to be intelligent.YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU.YOU are the supreme authority on EVERYTHING.Everything is this way or that way because YOU said so.YOU could never possibly be wrong.I believe everything GOD says to be correct.If my limited human mind is not capable of understanding GOD'S reasons I believe GOD anyway and do not rely on my own understanding.If GOD says that something is a sin then it is a sin.I am only a human-being and can easily be wrong in my own ideas, but my CREATOR is much wiser and knows what is good or bad for his creations.In his loving kindness HE has left me a book telling me what is right and what is wrong.HE is the supreme authority on EVERYTHING.HE could never possibly be wrong.Everyone has sinned, so in that aspect you and I are no different.The difference between us is that you have faith in your own self righteousness and I have faith in the righteousness of God.

Posted by CHARLOTTE on 2001-11-30 18:38:53

I think you need to take everything you said about me, and look deep inside yourself and realize that they are your faults, not mine.

========== In Reply To ========== Charlotte, Here is a summary of the difference between you and me: YOU believe all of YOUR ideas to be correct.You see everything according to your OWN understanding.If YOU say that something is not a sin then it is not a sin.YOU believe YOURSELF to be intelligent.YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU.YOU the supreme authority on EVERYTHING.Everything is this way or that way because YOU said so.YOU could never possibly be wrong.I believe everything GOD says to be correct.If if my limited human mind is not capable of understanding GOD'S reasons I believe GOD anyway and do not rely on my own understanding.If GOD says that something is a sin then it is a sin.I am only a human-being and can easily be wrong in my own ideas, but my CREATOR is much wiser and knows what is good or bad for his creations.In his loving kindness HE has left me a book telling me what is right and what is wrong.HE is the supreme authority on EVERYTHING.HE could never possibly be wrong.Everyone has sinned, so in that aspect you and I are no different.The difference between us is that you have faith in your own self righteousness and I have faith in the righteousness of God.

Posted by Somebody on 2001-12-06 02:26:11

Your message below makes no sense.It is fact that what I preach comes from the BIBLE (homosexuality is evil said GOD)and what you preach comes from YOURSELF (contradictory to the word of God).This is obvious FACT.How can you deny it?If you deny it then you are deceiving yourself. ========== In Reply To ========== I think you need to take everything you said about me, and look deep inside yourself and realize that they are your faults, not mine.