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Homosexuality: Your Opinion

Once again Charlotte doesn't respect my views.

Posted by Somebody on 2001-12-06 02:33:53

Once again Charlotte doesn't respect my views.This is rather strange since she is one of these liberals who whines that other people don't respect HER views.I believe homosexuality is evil.Charlotte will never be happy unless I say that I no longer believe its evil.That's NOT gonna happen.I will always believe that homosexuality is evil.Charlotte, if you don't respect my belief then you will just have to get over it.I will continue to express it.I will continue to post in these polls for as long as I feel like it.You can either continue to attack me or start respecting beliefs that are different than your own.Either way I don't care.There are more people in these polls than just you and as I said I will continue to express my beliefs to them.