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Hypothetical Nudity Questions (Guys Only)

Hypothetical Nudity Questons (Guy Only)

Posted by Donald Dumpsfiels on 2006-04-06 21:17:27

I saw a movie about some English schoolboys stranded on an island. All of their clothes fell apart except for their y fronts or bvds. It was interesting to see how their undies could be modified. Tighty whiteys are ugly because they are white like girls undies. I would wear bvds that are colored and cut up so they resemble what Tarzan wore in the movies before the Hays Commission.

Posted by extremely_bored on 2006-05-16 12:14:06

Lord of the Flies?

Posted by Donald Dumpsfiels on 2006-08-21 20:27:14

IT was but it was the one made about ten years ago. Strange movie. Every bit of clothes fell apart except for the underwear. I guess they worried about showing nude boys. They should have watched the classic Tarzan movies with Weismuller whe they were making The Lord of the Flies.

Posted by jeebus13 on 2006-10-19 21:44:20


duh. its obvious it wouldn't just be all gone but undies. it would be all or nothin. they were probly going for something that wasnt R rated. or they didnt want the actors' parts to get all cut up while filming in the woods. lol.

Posted by extremely_bored on 2007-01-15 16:22:27


In one of the really old versions of Lord of the Flies, a lot of the kids did run around naked. Not usually the main characters but a lot of the characters in the background.