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Your opinion on America (Americans only!!)

Democrats do not exist any longer.

Posted by Dick Cheney on 2005-03-14 08:04:20

At best, we Republicans have relegated them to third party status.

Posted by NateA80 on 2005-03-17 16:27:52

Correction: Democrats are second party status, but that is still as good as you say third-party status is, because we currently have a one-party system.

Posted by plywood on 2005-03-18 00:38:30

For the record...

I voted for Harry Brown in 2000, and The Workers World Party in 2004. (both times the states I was voting in nominated Democrats)

I think the only way to actually change this country is to split in a bunch of separte countries, (so that it looks sort of like Europe.) It's just not working as one. The government has too much power and control. Now they even have elecronic voting! (Yeah, right, Bush "won"!)

Oh! And everyone should see 'End of Suburbia' and write back and tell me what they think.

(I think we're screwed!)

Posted by NiacountyNY on 2005-03-19 05:00:36

Screw you!

Posted by chucksmom on 2005-03-19 17:27:20

NiacountyNY Alas, as per usual, unable to articulate anything but expletives...

-Plywood: Love to hear more info on the The World Worker's party...

Not sure about the split into little countries (ever been to the South?). Georgia already operates like one, and it ain't pretty...