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What should this girl do?

Wear a different one

Posted by loverboy6 on 2005-04-01 18:20:48

My gf is was once forced to wear a bra of that kind. She started to buy her own bras in secret and wear them instead.

Posted by Slb on 2005-04-01 19:57:00

I was forced to wear a bra like that do. I complained, complained, made a fuss, but ended up obeying. Though strict about this bras stuff, my mom was realy nice. Sometimes I disobeyed and was caught, but wasn't punished. Mom just made me promise I wouldn't do that again and, though against my will, I kept my promise.

Posted by Skyfox on 2005-04-05 01:58:59

All this forcing of bras

What is it with all these polls and stories about mothers forcing their daughters to wear bras, usually uncomfortable ones? It's not like forcing them to take medication for some life-threatening illness or forcing them to do their homework. Of all the things in the world to get so adamant about enforcing, bras should be the least of any mother's concern.

Posted by Slb on 2005-04-05 21:33:27

Much more worrisome are those polls about spanking. Something really sick. At least in this brastuff there is love

Posted by strictmomanddaughters on 2005-09-30 02:16:40

Well I am one of those moms I make my five daughters wear full support long line bras with ten hooks in the back also full support high waist girldles which have been converted into diaper pants with a lacy ruffled plaid covering with a thin piece of wire in the waist band which I can tighten and lock and have suspenders the girls wear stockings for easy access to their diapers which I or the daughters of my partner Cathy who live with us change when they poop and pee in school they also help me undress and dress them at gym. The other girls snikker and giggle when they see their underwear or when they are been changed to bad part of the punishment. I do it because each of my girls have over a 38CC bra and are overweight. Up to last summer I allowed them to wear anything but when I saw them at a pool party with clothes which wear totally unsuited to their bodies. They rebelled by destroying over a $1000 of underwear. Now I will treat them as little girls they wear their long line support bra and girdle in gym which I teach at the all girls school they attend. For swiming they wear a full support white corselet. Their jumpers blue grey plaid are hemmed close to their bums so everyone can see their underwear and they wear little party dresses which are flared about a foot and again hemmed close to their bums with girdles which are covered with a ruffled lacy outer covering matching the color of their dresses. I also bring them to the malls where all the girls in their school hang out. Also I change them in the diaper changing room. I undress them with Cathy and her daughters present and they help bath them and dress them in the morning my two eighteen year olds hate it because Cathys girls are younger. The eighteen year olds are only in 10th grade learning problems. They sleep in ruffled rompers with vinyl diapers inside pinks peaches with animals and dolls on the outside. I also have girls from school over when they are palying in their rompers after school. They are embarrased and humilated and would rather I spanked them which I never will at the moment they are as good as gold and have stopped complaining because all I did was add a month to their punishment which will cover the next 28 months At the same time I have noticed a great improvement in their posture. They are trying to losse weight but it is difficult as they have very sloe metabolic rates which I also have. By the way their is never any sweets or foods full of sugar in the house. Snacks are fruits and vegatables. After school we have started a special exercise program for overweight girls their is over 150 in our school which has about 960 girls so I am trying to do something about the problem I also instruct the girls on eating a healthy diet