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Is this enough proof for all of you who do not believe in...

This is it.....I thank you all for you time, but now a bit of a wake up call

Posted by xbplayer234 on 2005-08-19 02:48:17

How many of you, honestly, have heard of Armageddon? The time when all life will no longer live? If, this does not show you that there will be an end to all that has been created, then you might as well believe in what you wanna believe, but, i'll pray for all your souls, that, you dont go to Hell. SO, here it is. Your proof of why things have been happening in the Middle East.

In the last few years the world has gone from one Earth-shaking crisis to another. While some say that we are on the threshold of a Brave New World Order, others warn that humanity now totters on the brink of unprecedented disaster & chaos!

Reading the news nowadays is not the most cheerful way to start the day! Day by day the world's problems grow more desperate & insurmountable. The question which plagues every thinking person is...What lies ahead?

But has any mortal man ever been able to transcend the bounds of time & peer into the future? Throughout history there have been many who have claimed such powers, and some like Nostradamus, the Fatima Children, Edgar Cayce and Jeane Dixon are widely accepted as having predicted various future events.

And the world stage is now being set for the fulfillment of one awesome vision that many of these seers had in common: an event so cataclysmic that it will change the World as we now know it for ever...the final apocalypse, Armageddon!

But if you really want to know the future, exactly what is going to happen and why, where & even when, then you must turn to the thousands of prophecies recorded in this Book--The Bible!

History has proven the extraordinary unerring accuracy of Bible prophecy. Therefore there can be no doubt that its hundreds of prophecies about the last days of our planet Earth will also be fulfilled just as surely as the ones that have already been fulfilled in the past. The only question is when? Sometime in the far future that we don't need to worry about now? Or are we in fact now standing on the threshold of these final great & climactic events of which all the Bible prophets, including Jesus, spoke?

2000 years ago Jesus' disciples sought answers to this same question! They asked Him, "Master, tell us, when shall be the sign of Thy coming, & of the end of the World?" Let's take a look at some of the Signs of the End that Jesus Himself warned us to be on the look out for...

...signs that He said would come to pass just before His Second Coming and the "end of the world" as we now know it:

At the beginning of Matthew chapter 16 Jesus' religious enemies challenged Him to show them a sign from heaven. He answered and said to them, "When it is evening you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red'; and in the morning, 'It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times."

Today modern technology has vastly improved our ability to forecast the weather, but are we any less blind to the ominous signs of times in which we're now living?

So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the Kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away till all be fulfilled."

Our generation--the generation in which these "signs of the End" are coming into fruition--will not pass till all be fulfilled! "And ye shall hear of wars & rumors of wars...For nation shall rise against nation, & kingdom against kingdom:" (Matthew 24:7)

No period has witnessed the escalation of wars as has the 20th Century. The Red Cross has estimated that over 100 million people have been killed in wars since the 20th Century began. Up until 1914, war had never been universal, but in both World War 1 & 2, total war was waged.

Since World War II, the war that was supposed to make the world safe for democracy, there have been numerous major wars & hundreds of rebellions & revolutions. The death toll in conflicts since the end of World War II has now topped 23 million.

November '89!--The opening of the Berlin Wall symbolizes the end of the Cold War between the Superpowers...But instead of the expected peace, more "wars & rumors of wars" raged around our planet. In 1993 a record 29 major wars were fought.

"Nation rising against nation, & kingdom against kingdom" could more accurately be translated as "ethnic group rising against ethnic group"--a prophecy dreadfully fulfilled in former Yugoslavia, Rwanda & other trouble spots around the World. Not only are "wars & rumors of wars" on the increase, but also the horrors that wars unleash.

We have become numb to news of atrocities & tortures, mass rape & murder, which show what horrible savagery modern man is still capable of when he is unrestrained by God.

"For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines..." (Matthew 24:7)

Former U.S. president General Dwight D. Eisenhower put the true cost of war in simple terms when he said, "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired is, in a sense, a theft from those who hunger & are not fed, those who are cold & are not clothed. (Dwight D. Eisenhower, April 16, 1953)

The Gulf War alone cost the Allies a half billion dollars a day, or about $350,000 a minute.

A fighter plane costs around $25 million each.

A Tomahawk missile: about $1.3 million.

An air-to-air missile: $800,000 each.

Tank shells range from $2,000 to $36,000 each.

Translated into more everyday expenses, for the price of this one missile, a school full of hungry children could eat lunch every day for 5 years.

Throughout the 1990's more than 100 million children will die from illness and starvation. Those 100 million deaths could be prevented for the price of ten Stealth bombers, or what the world spends on its military in two days!

The World Health Organization estimates that one-third of the world is well-fed, one-third is under-fed one-third is starving!

Since you've entered this site at least 200 people have died of starvation. Over 4 million will die this year.

However, the world can produce enough food to feed its expanding population. While some famines are caused by drought or other so-called natural disasters, children are more likely to be starving because of man's inhumanity to man--war, embargoes, government corruption and economic oppression.

Such as the insurmountable debt many developing countries' owe to international creditors who enticed them to take out huge loans and are now holding the debtor nations in economic slavery, extracting exorbitant interest rates that ensure that the poor grow poorer and the rich lenders grow richer.

While these children die of hunger, rich Western nations burn millions of tons of food a year to keep prices high. Famines are largely a result of Man's corruption and greed and unwillingness to care for others.

...and there shall be famines, and pestilences...." (Matthew 24:7)

Pestilences or plagues! Modern science seems to have eliminated the fear of plague, but today we are on the verge of a deadly scourge that could kill more people then have ever been killed in all the pestilences yet known to man--it is the plague of AIDS.

The HIV virus, which causes AIDS, has currently infected at least 13 to 14 million people around the globe. In 1993 AIDS became the leading cause of death of U.S. males between the ages of 20 and 45.

Harvard University scientists estimate that by the year 2000 over 24 million people worldwide will have full-blown AIDS, and an additional 100 million people will be infected with the HIV virus.

However, AIDS is not the only modern plague to afflict mankind. Virtually unheard of among our ancestors, over 100 different kinds of cancer now kill over 5 million people every year. The depletion of the ozone layer, which blocks much of the sun's ultraviolet radiation, is thought to be responsible for a dramatic rise in melanoma, a deadly skin cancer.

The world recession, resulting in poverty and homelessness, has devastated the health care systems of many countries and diseases once thought banished by modern science have made an alarming comeback.

Epidemics of typhoid, diphtheria, and even the Black Death, have afflicted areas of India and the former Soviet Union. Deadly new strains of Malaria, Tuberculosis and Cholera are becoming resistant to all known anti-biotics and are killing millions of people.

Even the common bacteria that causes pneumonia, children's ear infections and many other every day diseases are evolving into forms untreatable by all known medicines, threatening a chilling post-antibiotic era where even the simplest infections could quickly escalate into fatal diseases.

Jesus said there would be an abundance of pestilences or diseases marking the time of His Return. Epidemics, like AIDS, will become widespread as we enter the final era of mankind on this planet.

...and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in various places..." (Matthew 24:7)

March 27th, 1964. Alaska is devastated by a massive earthquake measuring 8.4 on the Richter scale. Amazingly, in the 30 years since the great Alaska quake, there have been as many major earthquakes as in the entire previous 2000 years of world history!

The World Almanac tells us that there were only 21 earthquakes of major strength between the years 1000 and 1800. But between 1800 and 1900 there were 18 major earthquakes. In the next 50 years, between 1900 and 1950, there were 33 major quakes, and between 1950 and 1991 there were 93 major earthquakes, almost tripling the number of the previous half century, and claiming the lives of 1.3 million people around the world.

This dramatic increase of severe quakes has led many scientists to predict that we are entering a new period of great seismic disturbances. The Bible also clearly predicts that the Last Days will be a time of great seismic activity, with the earth reeling to and fro like a drunken man & the towers & the cities of the nations falling!

January 17, 1994, an earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale causes $30 billion worth of damage in Los Angeles. Seismologists predict that California's imminent "big one" could be 50 times more powerful.

January 17, 1995, Over 5000 people are killed and 26,000 injured in the Great Hanshin quake in Japan. The port city of Kobe is devastated, its infrastructure destroyed, and over 300,000 people made homeless. Japanese scientists at the Earthquake center in Tsukuba predict a much stronger quake measuring over 8 on the Richter scale could hit the Tokyo area in the very near future.

When either the California or the Tokyo quakes inevitably occur, the death toll, the devastation, as well as the impact on the World economy, will be unimaginable!

Imagine an ancient prophet seeing a vision of our modern super highways with hundreds of cars speeding along with their headlights blazing at night!--How would he describe it?

Now remember he'd never seen or even imagined anything like an automobile before! Well, 2,600 years ago the prophet Nahum foresaw that in the last days before Jesus returns...

"The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall jostle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings!" (Nahum 2:3,4).

Automobiles racing along in the night must have looked like lightning to him! And they certainly do jostle one another in the broad ways!--In an average year in the U.S. alone there are 19-1\2 million crashes, in which 4 million are injured and 45,000 killed.

Nahum's prophecy brings to mind another important prediction regarding conditions in the Last Days given in 534 B.C. to the prophet Daniel.

"Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to & fro, & knowledge shall be increased" (Daniel 12:4)

God was telling His prophet, "Daniel, I'm giving this vision of the Last Days to you, but it's not for you, it's not for your time.--It's for the Endtime, when...

"Many shall run to & fro..." (Daniel 12:4)

Are many people "running to and fro" today? It's incredible when you think that people's primary means of travel hadn't changed for thousands of years, until just a little over a century ago!

In 1789 it took George Washington 8 days to travel 200 miles to his inauguration in New York City. The fact that it took 8 days is not significant. What is amazing is that Julius Caesar could have traveled just as rapidly! No real progress had been made in transportation over thousands of years. But in a very short period of time look how mankind has advanced!

Now man not only drives at enormous speeds, but a jet can fly around the world in 24 hours & a spacecraft in 80 minutes! People travel today more than they ever traveled before! International tourism is a huge multi-billion dollar business involving over 200 million people travelling outside their own countries every year throughout the world!

Spending on tourism worldwide totaled more than $3 trillion in 1992 alone, and tourist traffic is expected to double over the next 10 years. Truly, "many are running to and fro" today like never before, just as Daniel prophesied 2500 years ago.

"...many shall run to & fro & knowledge shall be increased"! (Daniel 12:4)

Knowledge has certainly increased within this generation almost beyond imagination! In fact according to research studies, the total store of human knowledge is now doubling every eight years."

80% of all the scientists who have ever lived are alive today. Every minute they add 2000 pages to man's scientific knowledge, and the scientific material they produce every 24 hours would take one person 5 years to read. About a half-million new books are published every year.

When Apollo 13 was lost in space, computers worked out in an hour & a half a way to bring it back. It's reported that it would have taken a scientist working with pencil & paper over a million years to figure out how to perform the same feat.

But even since 1970 computer technology has developed so fast that if the auto industry had developed at the same rate, you would today be able to buy a Rolls Royce for three dollars!...and you could fit eight them on the head of a pin! The most basic building block of computer technology, the transistor, was invented at Bell Labs in 1948. In 1994 a computer chip could hold 3.1 million transistors, more than twice as many as the previous year's model. By the end of the decade, a chip will contain more than a billion transistors. Machines today have become so complicated, only the most highly trained technicians can even understand them!

But have all these amazing scientific discoveries & technological breakthroughs made mankind any happier or more civilized? It seems like the more gadgets & luxuries with which man tries to find happiness & satisfaction, the more discontented & miserable he becomes!

In our day & age "knowledge" has certainly "increased". But although the so-called "developed" countries such as the U.S. claim to have the most "advanced" & expensive educational systems the world has ever known, yet they've been turning out the most confused, ignorant & violent children they've ever produced!

Also in Matthew 24, in verse 37, Jesus prophesied that "as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days just before He returns." Well, how were things in the days of Noah?

"And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the Earth, & that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The Earth also was corrupt before God, & the Earth was filled with violence" (Genesis 6:5,11).

In the U.S. a teenager shoots his father because he wants to enjoy watching someone bleed to death. In Britain 2 ten year old boys kidnap & brutally murder a toddler.

In today's world such horror is becoming common-place. It's hard to imagine that even "the days of Noah" were as violence-filled as those in which we are now living!

Vietnam! Americans mourn the death of 58,000 of their young men in 8-1/2 years of fighting...But the casualty rate on U.S. city streets is now four times as high.

The F.B.I. reports that 24,530 people were murdered in the US in 1994 alone. The US Bureau of Justice Statistics estimates that a whopping 1.1 million violent crimes were committed with guns in 1992. MANY of the victims are teenagers killed by other teenagers who seem to have no concept of the value of life. Society wrings its hands & agonizes why?

Behavioral scientists have concluded that one of the main culprits is TV!--By the time the average American child is 15 years old, he will have witnessed the violent destruction of more than 35,000 human beings on television, as well as 200,000 other brutal acts of violence!

Violence is glorified in America, where the national icons from Sylvester Stalone to Arnold Swartzenegger tend to be men who excel at violence. Movies such as the "Rambo" and "Terminator" series, which have grossed millions of dollars worldwide, illustrate how voracious the appetite for violence is in today's world.

Children's cartoons today also contain all kinds of sickening violence. Eclipsing "The Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles" and "The Simpsons", MTV's "Beavis and Butthead" has become a children's favorite. A far cry from the Disney cartoons of a generation ago, Beavis and Butthead routinely torture animals, set fire to furniture and engage in all kinds of abhorrent juvenile behavior.

Then there's horror movies. Many pre-teens today watch this type of movie at "gross-out" parties with their friends. Video shops report that horror movies are especially popular among 11-to-15-year olds.

Also there's rock music videos, many of which romanticize violence, sexual assaults and murder. Between the 7th and 12th grades, the average American teenager will listen to and watch 11,000 hours of rock music more than twice the time they will spend in class.

The fruit of all this is that the rock 'n' roll era has seen violent crime increase among young people by over 10,000%. Today In the U.S. alone a violent crime is committed every 25 seconds. Every 9 seconds a home is burglarized. A woman is raped every six minutes. Every 25 minutes someone is murdered.

The only comfort in this terrible tide of rising violence is that, according to Bible prophecy, it is yet another unquestionable sign that points to the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, when all senseless violence and cruelty will be stopped, and war itself will be abolished!

"Now the Spirit expressly says, that in the Latter Times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits & doctrines of devils..." (1 Timothy 4:1).

U.S. public schools "departed from the faith" when in 1963 the Bible & prayer were officially banned. Now thousands of these same schools are teaching credited courses in "the doctrines of devils"--the occult and Satanism!

It is estimated that there are over 200,000 practicing witches in the United States & there are literally millions of Americans who dabble in some form of the occult, psychic phenomena, spiritism, demonology & black magic. Statistics show that occult book sales have doubled in the last four years!....

... The Occult today is no longer the stuff of small underground cults. Many rock videos are an open worship of Satan and hell that comes complete with the symbols, liturgies, & rituals of satanism, & millions of young people have been caught in its evil sway.

These sounds of horror & torment are literally driving young people insane & seducing them into a life of drugs, suicide, perversion & hell! Gradually the World has been taken captive by "seducing spirits" until today even the most shameless acts of blasphemy and desecration are socially acceptable.

In the Book of Revelation the Apostle John foresaw that in the last days the world would turn away from God in order to worship and follow Satan.

Such a prophecy would have seemed unbelievable to previous generations, but not so in our day...Hard-core Satanism has been called "the fastest-growing subculture among America's teens", & the revival of witchcraft & the occult is one of the World's fastest growing religions!

After telling His disciples that some of these signs that you've just seen, (wars, famines, plagues and earthquakes) were just the "beginning of sorrows," Jesus went on to foretell a sign that would signify when the actual time of the End had arrived:

"And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; & then shall the End come." (Matthew 24:14)

The Christian Almanac for 1990 reports that the Gospel has been preached to over 4 billion people, and Christian churches now exist in all 251 countries of the world.

Every year about four billion Gospel tracts are distributed around the globe and over 120 million Bibles. The entire Bible, or portions of it, have now been translated into some 2,062 different languages, and is available to around 98 percent of the world's population.

The Gospel is also preached from over 2,000 Christian radio and television stations, and religious shows can be seen on many more thousands of secular stations.

Never in the entire course of history has the Gospel been preached in all the world to all nations as it is right now! Every nation on the face of the earth today has heard the Gospel as Jesus prophesied they would before the end comes.

So if Jesus was right and the Bible is true, we are now living in the time of the End!

The Antichrist!--also described in the Bible as the "son of perdition" & the "beast"!

Like Hitler, who was one of history's antichrist archetypes, he will have great charisma & speaking ability, "a mouth speaking great things".

The Antichrist will rise to power on a wave of world euphoria, as he temporarily saves the world from its desperate economic, military & political problems with a brilliant 7-year plan for world peace, economic stability & religious freedom.

The Antichrist could well rise out of the current chaos in the former Soviet Union. The prophet Ezekiel names him as the ruler of "Magog", a name that Biblical scholars agree denotes a country or region of peoples to the north of Israel. Many have interpreted this to mean modern day Russia. His power base will include the leading nations of Europe, whose leaders, the Bible says, will "give their power & strength unto the beast."

The Bible even gives some clues about his personal characteristics. The prophet Daniel wrote that the Antichrist "does not regard the desire of women." This could imply that he is either celibate or a homosexual. Daniel also tells us that he will have a "fierce countenance" or stern look, and will be "more stout than his fellows"--more proud and boastful.

The 7-year peace-pact (or covenant) that is engineered by the Antichrist is spoken of a number of times in the Bible, & may even have already been signed in secret. The historic peace agreement signed between Israel & the PLO at the White House on September 13, 1993, vividly illustrates how dramatically events in the Middle East are presently moving in this direction.

Under the final terms of the Covenant, Jerusalem will likely be declared an international city to which Judaism, Islam & Christianity will have equal rights. Scripture indicates that the Jews will be permitted to rebuild their Temple on Mt. Moriah, where they revive their ancient rituals of animal sacrifice.

According to prophecy the Antichrist will not only be a master of political intrigue, but also a military genius. Daniel describes several major wars that he fights during his 7-year reign, apparently against the U.S. & Israel, who will oppose him during the second half of his reign.

For awhile, most of the world is going to think the Antichrist is wonderful, as he will seem to have solved so many of the world's problems. But , three-and-a-half years into his seven year reign he will break the covenant & invade Israel from the North.

At this time he will make Jerusalem his world capitol & outlaw all religions, except the worship of himself & his image. The Bible says that the Antichrist will sit in the Jewish Temple exalting himself as God & demanding to be worshipped.

It is at this time that the Antichrist imposes his infamous "666" one-world credit system...

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name...and his number is Six hundred & sixty-six. (Rev.13:15-18)

666! The Mark of the Beast! Almost everybody has heard something about this prophecy which says that in the last days no one will be able to buy or sell anything unless they get the "Devil's mark".

Today we are the first generation with the technology available to fulfil such a prophecy of a "cashless" society.

At present, in this supermarket there are a number of ways I can pay for this shopping--I can use cash, or I can write a check, or pay by credit card.

...or another way that is being promoted so much today is using a debit card. When you give your debit card to the cashier the card is run through a scanner which is electronically linked to your bank & the money is immediately taken out of your bank account and placed in the store's account.--All in a split second.

Debit cards have already been introduced in many parts of the world & are extremely popular with stores, banks & customers.

Then there's the "IC Card" or the "Smart Card", which actually has a little computer chip embedded in the card. You've probably read about these electronic marvels that not only give you access to your bank account, but also contains your passport, medical record, driver's license, photographs, welfare eligibility and all kinds of other data. These are already being tested in various parts of the world.

... So you can see we are fast on the way to eliminating cash--and there are many compelling reasons why. Cash is the very mother's milk of drug smugglers, who often deal in cash a suitcase full at a time. With no cash the sale of illegal drugs would cease. In fact to eliminate cash would eliminate almost every kind of criminal activity, from theft to terrorism, and be an instant cure-all for many of the World's most desperate social & economic ills. No wonder governments are pushing towards the cashless society with unrestrained enthusiasm.

However, before cash, cheques & credit cards can be phased out completely, they have to develop an identification system that is absolutely foolproof & will ensure that a person presenting a card for a transaction is actually the owner of that card.

Various foolproof ID systems have already been developed, like this fingerprint reader. However the only problem with these machines is that they are extremely expensive. For a completely cashless society to work, there would have to be one at every little shop & retail outlet where anything is bought & sold.

Whereas these identification terminals cost many thousands of dollars each, the actual micro-chips encased in the plastic "smart cards" cost only a few dollars each So what if you took the chip out of the card & placed it under the skin?

Once the chip has been implanted it can be read by an inexpensive scanner, much like the one in your local grocery store. So, you now become your own smart card!--And the very expensive problem of making sure that the owner of the card is who he says he is, has been solved.

Today the technology for just such an implant not only exists, but is being tested in pilot programs all over the world. A tiny microchip which can be read by a scanner is inserted into a spot below the animal's skin. "Infopet" in California boast the ability to keep track of 4 billion cats & dogs worldwide. This technology has proven that keeping track of large populations through implants & centralized computer data banks is completely feasible.

So as we can see the technology & the public acceptance to make the Mark of the Beast system work is rapidly falling into place...Already we are constantly hearing about the "New World Order", or "global community", & these buzz slogans are slowly sinking in as the world heads towards an international financial and political system, a cashless society controlled by a computer data base that covers the entire globe, keeping track of every man, woman & child, where they cross borders & when they buy & sell--exactly like the one predicted in Revelation chapter 13 nearly 2,000 years ago!

"If any man worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture...And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever..." (Revelation 14:9,10)

That may seem like pretty stiff punishment for simply accepting a Mark that allows you to buy groceries. However, this prophecy indicates that receiving the "Mark of the Beast" is not merely an economic decision, but also implies acceptance and worship of the Satan-possessed Anti-Christ, and a pledge of allegiance to his anti-God global regime.

"And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak & cause that as many as would not worship the beast to be killed" (Rev. 13:15)

This "Image of the Beast", also described in Bible prophecy as the "Abomination of Desolation", is likely to be some kind of incredibly high-tech supercomputer, linked to the New World Order's telecommunications network.

Scripture says it will speak and somehow "cause those who refuse to worship it to be killed." Jesus said that when you see this image standing "in the holy place...then shall be Great Tribulation such as the world has never known." (Mat. 24:15-21)

A good part of the Book of Revelation describes in horrific detail the terrible pestilences, plagues & nightmarish monsters that God lets loose to tribulate the Antichrist forces, who are trying to wipe out all who refuse to take the Mark of the Beast.

The Bible spells it out in years, months & days exactly how long this period of Great Tribulation will be...3-1/2 years, or 42 months, or 1260 days (Rev. 12:6,14).

So on the day that the Antichrist breaks the covenant & sets up his image in Jerusalem the countdown of the exact number of days until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will begin!

Immediately after the Tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his chosen from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (Matthew 24:29-31)

The world's darkest period of tribulation and horror under the Antichrist will abruptly end with the dawning of the brightest dawn as Jesus Christ Himself returns to gather His children to be with Him!

Lights, trumpets, thunder, earthquakes and gigantic meteor showers will all herald this climactic event! God's children who have died throughout the ages will be resurrected in new miraculous bodies, and will burst forth from their graves and ascend to meet Jesus in the air.

Live Christians will be transformed and will rise from the earth, floating right up through ceilings & buildings & cars & right up into the clouds to meet the Lord! Such is the scenario depicted in the Bible of the Second Coming of Christ as He snatches His children out of reach of their evil Antichrist persecutors & whisks them away to the grandest, most glorious & thrilling victory celebration that's ever been held--the great "Marriage Supper of the Lamb" in Heaven!

Meanwhile, down on Earth, the horrible Wrath of God is being poured out upon the Antichrist forces left behind, a time so terrible that the Bible says men will "seek death but be unable to find it"!

Armageddon Then shortly after Jesus' 2nd Coming, down from the sky will come the great hosts of Heaven with Jesus in the lead to destroy the Antichrist and his one-world empire in the awesome Battle of Armageddon.

This great slaughter of the Antichrist and his armies will take place in and around the valley of Megiddo near Haifa in Israel. It will mark the end of man's cruel rule on earth, as Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and His Heavenly forces forcibly take over the World to rule and reign and run it the way it should have been run if man had not disobeyed God and gone his own selfish way!

And so begins a period known as the Millennium, a thousand years of peace and plenty and paradise on Earth.

Well to say the least, we are living in very exciting times & there are soon going to be some great global changes made! The curtains have been drawn aside on the last scene of Earth's great drama, the act has begun & it cannot stop now! Like it or not, each one of our lives will be caught up in these great events. The countdown to Armageddon has begun.

The interpretation of these Bible prophecies which we have examined are not unique, but are shared by millions of Christians worldwide, both Catholic and Protestant. Many Muslims believe that passages of the Quran and other Islamic writings foretell a number of these same apocalyptic events.

One of the purposes of Endtime Bible prophecy is to let you know what's going to happen in the future so that you won't be taken by surprise by these great events, so you can rest assured that it is all a part of God's pre-ordained plan.

The best way to be prepared for the future is to receive Jesus as your Savior, as He has promised to be with His children to protect & provide for them and be their Guide through perilous times. Jesus will give you the strength and courage to bravely face these future troubles and help you survive until the End of this world, after which He will reward you beyond your wildest dreams in the Heavenly world to come!

If you don't yet know Jesus then we'd like to invite you right now to receive his free gift of everlasting life by praying this simple prayer:

Dear Jesus, Please come into my heart. I believe that You died for me. Forgive me for my past mistakes & sins and give me Your free gift of everlasting life. Help me to love You and help me to share Your love & truth with others...Amen.

"There's only one life, it will soon be past! Only what's done for Christ will last! Jesus said that we "must work the works of Him that has sent us while it is day, for the night cometh when no man can work." Please work with us & help us in any way that you can to tell the world of God's love, and to help others through these difficult times, and show them what a wonderful world its going to be!

There, now you've heard it. Tell me what u think of this.

Posted by potsmoker on 2005-08-19 04:53:54

I think you'd like the VeriChip.

It works like a credit card or ID card except it's "implanted just under the skin, via a quick, painless outpatient procedure (much like getting a shot)."

It was approved by the FDA last year. Over 3,000 people already have it implanted in them.


Posted by Nicholas Brown on 2005-08-19 07:54:09

Did you know that the number 666 technically appears on barcodes? (If you reduced the size of the 3 guard bars slightly, 6 would appear at the begining, middle and end of the barcode). Incidentally, have you ever heard of Bohemian Grove? It's a place in Calafornia where a lot of the N.W.O. members meet up in order to practice satanic rituals (there are theories that demons and aliens are sometimes the same thing). Also, what gave you the idea that all Wiccans and Pagans are also satanists? If you had done any research, you would see that there is a world of difference between the 2 religions. And I would consider eternal damnation for recieving the Mark of the Beast to me more then harsh (it definitly isn't "eye for eye" or "turning the other cheek"). One thing that I've noticed about the Bible is that god seems rather unwilling to be patient towards other people (he presumably thinks that we all have his powers which is why he doesn't accept cowardice, even if it is appropriate to the situation).

Posted by xbplayer234 on 2005-08-19 13:07:32

WEll, Nicholas, this is from a site that has done research, in the Bible, and research with Bible scholars and everybody who knows a hell a lot more than what u or i could imagine, not saying that they are God, but, they have done research, and the same goes with the site about Hell. I'm not sayin i dont know the difference between Wiccan (is that spelled right) and Satanism...all i know is that both, i dont and will never practice, not even once, so dont blame me if u feel offended.

Posted by Nicholas Brown on 2005-08-19 18:20:48

I wasn't at all offended by the Wicca comments. I have heard that there will be some massive changes taking place over the next few years (I recommend you look into a chap named Admiral Byrd: on a flight over the South Pole, he apparently encountered some classic "Aryan" type aliens who told him that the world would become more spiritual after some major disasters).