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What should the age of Consent be?

Do you guys even know what age of consent means???

Posted by DressGirl on 2005-10-25 18:54:52

Age of Consent should be 12??? Should the age of a parent throwing a worthless piece of crap kids out of the house also be 12? Or the age I can I no longer have to provide health and mental stability to my children also be 12? A 12 year old doesn't know crap about the real world or about real love or about real sex. In fact, must 12 year olds are incredibly ugly for 1 reason, they are freakin little itty bitty kids. Only a pedophile would find a 12 year old at all sexually attractice (unless of course the person is extremely physically mature for his or her age and then the person just has serious issues with dating adults and needs to see a doctor or psychiatrist).

Posted by skirtchaser19 on 2005-11-10 18:09:07

Sorry if I offended you but I wanted to make the available options as broad as possible.

Posted by postmodernlolita on 2005-12-23 20:48:25

The opinion of an underage female.

I am a sixteen-year-old girl living in the Midwest and I believe that the age of consent should be lowered to sixteen or fifteen at the lowest. This is an issue I feel very strongly about. I have been emotionally and physically mature since the age of fourteen and I consider myself ready for sex at my current age. Statistics seem to show that most girls lose their virginity at around the age of sixteen. In my opinion, if an adolescent can give it up to another adolescent while keeping the consequences in mind, I see no reason why an adolescent could not have a romantic relationship with an adult. If a young person can feel love for another young person, it makes sense that they can feel the same love for an older person. Yes, I do agree that there are predators out there that would love to see the age of consent lowered to sixteen and below. But if children are educated about sex and given more freedom, they will be less likely to fall for the tricks of these predators. I personally do not believe that there is anything abnormal about being an adult attracted to teenagers. They often have the bodies and minds of adults; the adult male is biologically programmed to find youth attractive. This does not make them pedophiles.

Posted by nocklmnop on 2006-01-20 19:08:49

if you are confident that the age of consent would be more appropriate at the age of twelve, then fight for what you believe in and come up with a convincing argument. also, i would test your beliefs if i were you. personally, i believe that 12 is way too young.

Posted by Chuck506 on 2006-01-27 22:06:18

In a sense there is no way to set an exact age for sex. Each person hits puberty at a different time and goes through it at a different rate. So one who is 12 years old may be as ready as another who is 15 from a physical viewpoint. And, once one's body is ready those darn hormaones are going to flow regardrless of what laws we set. Mother Nature rules!

Reality is, parents need to make sure their children have the right information (not judgements or rules) before each stage in their development to prepare them for what is coming. And yes, that includes good solid sex education which many parents shudder at the thought of dealing with.

Armed with solid facts, lots of good examples during their upbringing and noone saying no arbitrarily, most teens will actually make the right decisions.