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Friends Spending the NIght (Guys Only)

Teen Male Discipline

Posted by R.J. on 2006-02-11 19:52:43

How were you disciplined as a teen? www.misterpoll.com/4006353059.html

Posted by quinnsboy on 2006-12-21 11:07:01

my daddy beltid me reel hard ifn i was outta step like....an it wuz ALWIYS his outta step,,,,couldn $%!@in move but he wuz there lashin....is why im nevir gonna be a daddy maybes id be like that

Posted by quinnsboy on 2006-12-21 11:08:57

im sory guyz about the swearin an all....reel sory i only ntice when u put in the other bits ovir my bad word...im reel sorry about that won do it agian sirs i promise