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User: quinnsboy



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Posted in sexual experience on 2006-12-21 12:11:31

im calld quinns boy...i look to the quizes an anser them best i can...got rape as im 13...wuz a skinny kid so no defendin my sel there he wus big....i jus wish peeple wouldn make such a fuss of the sexin....its jus bloody sex whats all the yellin...specil them cristin peeple an now iv meet a moslem an hes tellin the same thing sin sin sin....get a grip u lot.......

Posted in Religion and Homosexuality on 2006-12-21 12:05:15

im quinnsboy...an i try to anser thise quizis honist...im 15 an im a homoboy so is why i got put out from the house......all them cristians yellin about guyz like me....there the ones what monkey with kids an screw an screw enythin what opins there legz....who they think they are ? yer religin stinkz yer soddin hypos the lot of yez

Posted in What do you think about your local bully? on 2006-12-21 11:31:37

all the askin about it is like in the papirs an the govemrnt askin about thise thingz...my mate hang heself cos of the monkeyboyz .......as me hes a samall guy an gotta be able to run but he didn run fast enuff...so is all bollicks about what they care they jus don - ure a small guy ure finish is how it gos

Posted in nocturnal emmission on 2006-12-21 11:22:48

the prob ios that nobuddy tells u nuthin....all what happins is s$%!@in an stuff from the guyz @ scool an then some biggir guy shows how to do it with no dreamin....ure daddy nevir tells....no buddy tells u jus lern is all parints should get beltid like theyre beltin us...an thats for not tellin how it is....there not honist

Posted in nocturnal emmission on 2006-12-21 11:18:34

when im 12 yrs...i don rember the dream bit but i squirted an that wuz that,,,,new idea like...whats this ?