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Apocalypse Culture!

Peak Oil

Posted by Static on 2003-08-08 08:49:01

I was surprised the depletion of world resources wasn't on your list of ways we are going to shuffle off of this big blue marble. Just to scare the heck out of people who care, do a websearch on the words "Peak oil" and see when the experts think that we are going to run out of oil. Then, the next time you go grocery shopping, think of how many of the products that you buy are produced (and not shipped) in your hometown. Sleep well.

Posted by theisolationist on 2003-08-09 01:26:34

Good point!I'll add that next update, even though I doubt that we will all die collectively as a result of this occurence, there are people on this ball of dirt who don't rely on those things to survive, but you bring up an interesting idea.I'll sleep, but not as well, to be sure, but then I never do anyway...

Posted by Static on 2003-08-15 06:00:40

Today's (8-14) power outage is just the begining. It is predicted amongst energy experts that by 2012 there will be a perminent power outage. Sorry folks, the party is over. We're running out of resourses.

P.S. Just a side note. Has it occured to anyone else that gas prices have doubled in three years?

========== In Reply To ========== Good point!I'll add that next update, even though I doubt that we will all die collectively as a result of this occurence, there are people on this ball of dirt who don't rely on those things to survive, but you bring up an interesting idea.I'll sleep, but not as well, to be sure, but then I never do anyway...

Posted by punkrockboy on 2003-10-11 05:47:10

we dont need oil cars fuild on other substances such as hidrogen are already being produced on a test basis the exoust woul mix with the air and form water...du... the only thing is that oil makes peole much mony including our current president if we were to dicontinu the use of patrolium products or even just cars many people would lose much mony and it would drasticly alter the economy in a bad way even the race as a whole would improve contries would fall because there only source of income would be taken awayit would take several yaers to discontinue oil production and those yaers will behard ones filled with much conflict

dont forget nucleare power ========== In Reply To ========== I was surprised the depletion of world resources wasn't on your list of ways we are going to shuffle off of this big blue marble. Just to scare the heck out of people who care, do a websearch on the words "Peak oil" and see when the experts think that we are going to run out of oil. Then, the next time you go grocery shopping, think of how many of the products that you buy are produced (and not shipped) in your hometown. Sleep well.

Posted by MPC522593179 on 2005-03-16 17:02:33

In WW2 the Germans were using synthetic gasoline and diesel fuel because supplies were cut off. We have the technology today to do the same for about $4.00/gallon. If fossil fuel runs out, the world will not end.

By the way, the sky is not falling either.