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For Girls: My Height/Weight


Posted by hello-69 on 2007-02-13 22:36:02

i am a few pounds lighter than you but only 5'10. i am considered skinny. how old are you? i know girls who are like 5'5 who weigh more than you or me

Posted by srcm on 2007-02-14 02:45:23

I'm 18. Every inch equals five pounds in proportion. So if I was 5-5 and the same proportion, I would then weigh 110. Sometimes, weight dosen't mean much. Like a friend of mine is 110 and 5-1. If she was my height she would be like 170. But she's very thin - and has muscle mass - so that's where weight and height begin to grow grey. It depends on your frame and muscle mass. I have a lot of muscle mass and am extremely toned. Thus, people think I'm like 20 pounds lighter than I realy am.

Posted by ngxdjklfvnlzsvjhlzs on 2007-02-17 02:06:41

I am 5'11", 140. But, I can do a lot of pullups (12) and dips (15). I also am strong in the core (I have a six-pack) and my back (from doing all those pullups). How skinny am I compared to you? Could girls beat me in wrestling pretty easily, or not?

Posted by srcm on 2007-02-17 03:21:29

140 and 5'11 - we have the same bmi. We actually about the same build. I go to the gym 3 hours a week and do a lot of curls and ab work also. Beating girls in wrestling, I would think you could do fine. Depending on how much muscle you have, you might be able to beat guys who are heavier than u.

Posted by ngxdjklfvnlzsvjhlzs on 2007-02-17 16:18:08

Yeah, a lot of times when I'm at the gym, guys make fun of me because I can barely bench over 100. But then I get up on the pullup bar and crank out 12 pullups and they are amazed: when they get up there they can barely do one.
But then they make up excuses and say that i'm just "wirey," and because they are 50 or 60 lbs heavier, they can't do pullups. However, my cross-country coach, who is 6'5", 230, can crank out 30 pullups!
Anyway, I go to they gym as often as I can, usually 4 days a week (about a total of 3 hours as well).