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Do you Support Israel

Terrorists are Terrorists...

Posted by sickboy42 on 2006-07-07 15:59:18

and theocracy is theocracy. I don't believe that the US should support either.

Personally I think that the only reason we as a nation support them is because 'we' (not me for sure) are a christian nation and trace 'our' religion back to the jewish religion. Most americans believe we should support Isreal and their right to that land because 'god' gave it to them. Well, the muslim god gave that land to the muslims too. This is the problem with believing any lies - er - i mean religions.

Posted by Dr.Smart on 2006-07-18 06:23:38

The problem is Israel isn't a theocracy, it just has no seperation of church and state. If Muslims took control by being voted in they could pass Muslim laws.

Posted by poopoodoodoo on 2006-08-10 00:49:10

If another government bombed homes and businesses of US citizens and killed 1000 or so US civilians because of the actions of say the "Republican Party." By or own definitions, we'd call that a terrorist act and anyone who supported it would be guilty of supporting terrorism.