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Comprehensive Guy Honesty Poll


Posted by AndresKody on 2006-11-28 22:37:48
I just wanted to thank the people who have answered the questions of this poll. As for the last question (in case anyone was wondering) it was included just in case anyone wanted to contact me about any aspect of the poll. Again, thank you.
Posted by spigelwii on 2006-11-29 02:48:17

Thank you very much for creating the most decent poll on the Behind Closed Doors page. It was the only one I took that I felt comfortable doing.

Posted by John Leatherface on 2006-11-29 04:31:36


this was a good poll. one of the first regular ones. with no offense intended, litle kids who screw up the polls might get off the BCD polls if they see ones like this because they are looking for polls where they can just vote on what they think is funny.

Posted by mister tom on 2006-11-29 12:37:24

honesty poll

I grew up in the 50's & 60's and things were much different then. For example, none of the movies you mentioned existed at that time. There was also MUCH more pressure to conform then, so while I am and was gay I still had a girlfriend because that was expected and kinda necessary to survive. In those days anything regarding homosexuality was either whispered or a subject of ridicule so if a guy could pass for straight that's pretty much what he did. It wasn't something you could learn about as a kid, so you felt pretty isolated if you were gay. You knew something wasn't quite "right" about you, but didn't have a clue what to do about it and just hoped it would cure itself. Now that we're somewhat more enlightened most educated people realize that it isn't a choice we make or even our upbringing. It still isn't clearly understood, but gradually becoming more accepted. I didn't mean to preach about this, but you asked for honesty and while I did have a girlfriend back then it was for different reasons than straight guys.

Posted by quinnsboy on 2006-12-20 00:01:31

hi sir.....i was readin the poll u made....an i asnered tge questins sir...tryin hard to be honist like u sayed.....jus one thing sir...i don wear nuthin in bed cos i like that feelin...clothes jus go windin round u when ure sleepin an i roll all the time when im sleepin...truble is when the dreams comes an mornins the step sees an kicks up...he looks everyday sir - is bettir ifn i wear sumthin ? theres nobuddy i can ask....the nets bettir...u don have to look in my face an then im no embarrass about that thankz