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who is a white person?

White Scenario...

Posted by dave3 on 2006-11-14 03:47:19

Hey!I just read this article about how the original "Dracula" novel by Bram Stoker,was informed by a fear among English society--where most of the story takes place--of their place being invaded by foreigners,with the stealing of the women and the sucking of the blood and such(or the other way around)... The question is--"Who exactly was Dracula supposed to represent;is his eastern-European origin to be taken literally--meaning are even slavs excluded from the club;was Stoker an anti-capitalist and/or anti-semite;is there some kind of "gay thing" happening here? These are the riddles which pre-occupy me.

Posted by poopoodoodoo on 2006-11-17 02:25:12

That reminds me of a funny (to me) story.

I'm of Slavic heritage although my last name was Anglicized when my ancestors came to the US. A boss I once had, went into a rant about Slavic people. It seems his sister had married one and was disinherited for it. I let him continue with his tirade with quotes like "They're worse than Mexicans" and similar things. When it was all over, I calmly said "I'm Slavic, you know." He and I got along well for years, but he never went on any rants about any ethnic group around me anymore, but I'll never forget that stunned look on his face.

Posted by poopoodoodoo on 2006-11-17 02:42:55

Oh yeah, I didn't take the poll because I don't think defining "whiteness" is of any use, however, I'm intrigued with people's irrational fears.

Posted by Emerald_Lilly on 2006-11-18 19:03:54

I agree. What's the sense in drawing those lines. They don't really mean anything in the grand scheme of things. I happen to be 87% white, and 13% Cherokee. Wouldn't know it by looking at me though, and it doesn't change who I am...a mutt just like everybody else!

Posted by yannis on 2006-12-27 19:06:19

Very presice. How did you get those percentages? I didn't even think it was possible, shouldn't it be an even number