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How outgoing/ extroverted are you?

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I am a Psychology student, in my first year. I am interested in finding out how outgoing people generally are.

On a scale of 1 to 10, How extrovert are you. Please try to give an honest evaluation of yourself

10% (2) 1 ( Very introverted)
15% (3) 2
5% (1) 3
15% (3) 4
25% (5) 5 (In the middle)
5% (1) 6
5% (1) 7
10% (2) 8
5% (1) 9
5% (1) 10 (Very extrovert and outgoing)

20 voters have answered this question.

Which nation do you think is more extroverted?

65% (13) U.S.A.
35% (7) UK

20 voters have answered this question.

Do you consider Extroversion as being a positive attribute, as opposed to being introverted?

21% (4) Yes, very much so
52% (10) Yes, a little
15% (3) Does't make a difference
0% (0) No, introversion is a little better
10% (2) No, introversion is much better

19 voters have answered this question.

What measure on the introversion/ extroversion scale do you think is optimum.

5% (1) 1 ( Very introverted, not at all outgoing)
0% (0) 2
5% (1) 3
0% (0) 4
5% (1) 5
5% (1) 6
40% (8) 7
0% (0) 8
0% (0) 9
5% (1) 10 (Very extrovert, Very outgoing)
35% (7) There is no optimum value, everyone is different

20 voters have answered this question.

Do you find it important that you are well liked and popular?

10% (2) Yes, it's very important
47% (9) Yes, it's quite important
36% (7) Doesn't matter
5% (1) I prefer not to be well liked

19 voters have answered this question.

Do you find that society places too much emphasis on being outgoing.

63% (12) Yes
26% (5) Just the right amount
10% (2) No

19 voters have answered this question.

What age group are you in?

0% (0) 12 or under
27% (5) 13-15
33% (6) 16-18
11% (2) 19-21
5% (1) 21-25
11% (2) 25-30
5% (1) 30-40
0% (0) 40-50
5% (1) 50-60
0% (0) Over 60

18 voters have answered this question.

What is your nationality?

52% (10) USA
5% (1) Canada
26% (5) UK
0% (0) Other Europe
0% (0) Asia
5% (1) Latin American
10% (2) Other

19 voters have answered this question.

Are you male or female?

72% (13) Male
27% (5) Female

18 voters have answered this question.

How many close friends do you have?

11% (2) 0
5% (1) 1
11% (2) 2
27% (5) 3-5
16% (3) 5-10
11% (2) 10-15
16% (3) 15-20 more than 20

18 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-01-15 15:04:00 by KlippetyKlop
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