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User: KlippetyKlop


Polls Created


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Posted in Teasing by teacher (non-Sexual) on 2005-04-16 23:21:07

When I was in my 12th year, I used to get picked on mercilessly by my maths teacher. I was singled out, and she would embarrass me in front of the entire class when I didn't understand the material. Back then, although I wasn't dumb, for some reason I was having problems with the material at the beginning of term. Anyway, she would deliberately and maliciously exploit this, and would ask me to explain my answers in front of the class, and she would keep pressing me on it when I was unclear. A couple of times she made me sit at the front of class. There were people in the class who were much worse at maths than me, but me and my friend were always the ones picked on. Anyway, I am now in University studying for my degree, and I have put it all behind me. It sure did make me hate those classes though, and it made me feel about 6 inches tall, and about 7 years old, rather than 16!

Posted in Crying Frequency on 2005-03-07 00:31:49

Firstly, how can you claim to study the "effects of gender" on crying habits, when members of both genders have to answer together? The answers of both genders are not differentiated in the poll, and therefor, you cannot acheive your objective. Secondly, I did not answer the last question about frequency of crying. I cry less than once a month, but more than twice a year, so there was no suitable option. If you fix these flaws (probably best done by starting again from scratch), then your poll should offer an interesting insight into the differences between the crying habits of the sexes, which is a good topic to make a poll about.

Posted in Peeing your pants at a sleep-over on 2004-12-29 02:00:48

I think I would like to have grown up in your neighbourhood! I can hardly think of a better way to have wet fun in the sun. That sounds like a very appealing and intruiging slant on a game of stret hockey. You are very lucky that you live in a neighbourhood where wetting ones pants is an accepted part of a normal game of street hockey.

Posted in Overpopulation? on 2004-12-19 15:21:15

The US does not have an overcrowding problem, as most of the country is still vast expanses of unpopulated, or sparsely populated land. In the US there are just 290 million people sharing one of the largest countries on earth. In contrast, here in the Uk there is a definite overcrowding problem. There are around 60 million people crammed into an area probably smaller than California. The US Government already has unduly stringent laws on immigration, so this should be loosened, and there really need be no preventative measures to population growth taken yet.

Posted in Do you Blow Your Nose A Lot? on 2004-12-19 00:34:26

I blow my nose usually many times each day, because of perpetual sinus problems. I hate it, and I even have sore cuts and pimples inside my nostrils from wiping my nose so much, as it tends to get infected. Your poll question should have questions to differentiate between those who blow their nose just once or twice a day, and those who need to blow their noses several times each day.