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Hardcore Faith? (Teens only)

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As a christian, I just wanted to know what other teens think about church, and what predispositions you might have.

Do you believe in God?

71% (30) Yes
28% (12) No

42 voters have answered this question.

Do you attend church?

65% (27) Yes
34% (14) No

41 voters have answered this question.

How would you rate your relationship with God (1 being low; 5 being intimate)

28% (12) 1
7% (3) 2
16% (7) 3
28% (12) 4
19% (8) 5

42 voters have answered this question.

Would you call church... (select all that apply)

30% (13) Boring
19% (8) Waste of Time
40% (17) Fun
54% (23) Important
45% (19) Enlightening
33% (14) A highlight of your week
26% (11) Unimportant
26% (11) Stupid

42 voters have answered this question.

Do you personally worship during church?

57% (24) Yes
42% (18) No

42 voters have answered this question.

If yes, do you worship by choice?

70% (24) Yes
29% (10) No

34 voters have answered this question.

If you responded yes, do you feel God's presense while you worship?

58% (20) Yes
17% (6) No
11% (4) Kind of
11% (4) What in the heck to you mean?

34 voters have answered this question.

Would you be willing to give your life to the Lord at this point in time?

51% (21) Yes
31% (13) No
0% (0) Sort of
17% (7) What are you talking about?

41 voters have answered this question.

For you, is christianity about church, or about something more?

21% (8) Church
78% (30) Something More

38 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

20% (8) 13
15% (6) 14
10% (4) 15
23% (9) 16
10% (4) 17
20% (8) 18

39 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-02-18 19:31:56 by TruBeliever
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