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User: TruBeliever


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Posted in How Christianity is perceived on 2003-03-31 19:26:35

Provide some evidence here... as I see nothing dangerous or demeaning.

========== In Reply To ========== Let's face it ... Christianity is just dangerous and demeaning.

Posted in Is religion contradictory? on 2003-03-19 21:44:59

"The proposed "paradox" of religion, where God is real enough to justify banning divorce, censoring movies and giving 10% of your income to the Church, but not real enough to produce any evidence when you start enquiring independently, occurs, quite simply, because God isn't there."

The fact is that those of us who accept Christ into our lives, DO NOT WANT to view X-rated movies, or to divorce. As for your factual proof, ask someone who is able to tell you about their faith, and they can give you evidence. We as Christians will only offer you the truth- we will not force you into doing something, we will not preach to you that Jesus is the only way into heaven, that you are a sinner. The truth is all we have to offer- take it or leave it.

========== In Reply To ========== It does get tiring reading people first claiming that "quantum physics is contradictory" and then arguing, on that basis, that other contradictions could be true too. Quantum physics isn't contradictory; the trouble is that, at very small scales, our conceptual categories of "solid object" and "wave" don't work very well any more. Explaining how something can be both requires a lot of very complicated maths, which is why most popularizers don't bother, and just say "Both, deal with it." Both the particle-like behaviour and the wave-like behaviour can be easily demonstrated experimentally, and an awful lot of modern technology depends on quantum physics. The proposed "paradox" of religion, where God is real enough to justify banning divorce, censoring movies and giving 10% of your income to the Church, but not real enough to produce any evidence when you start enquiring independently, occurs, quite simply, because God isn't there. Nevertheless, I do have one problem with this poll. The question is asked: "If Adam and Eve were the first humans in existence, wouldn't all their offspring acquire cumulative birth defects?" That's not quite how it works. If that were why humans all over the world avoid incest (at least until reliable contraceptives were invented), "good" genes should also accumulate and cancel out the effect. Genetic uniformity is undesirable (and hence not having mutations would actually make things worse) because genetic diversity is necessary to combat disease. In domestic crops and livestock, where for generations only the "best" stock has been allowed to breed, blights and diseases (like foot-and-mouth) can spread like wildfire. Once they've developed a form that can get past the immune systems of the hosts on one farm, they've got the entire country's stock at their mercy. This is also, of course, an argument against having all your children with one partner...

Posted in Hardcore For Christ? on 2003-03-19 21:28:55

This is a hard topic, and I wrote to amanda21 about it, and here is a copy for you to read:

As for God- well I read something in my daily devotionals that I think you should hear- it says "It is a fallen world. But what God created is good." Throughout the first chapter of Genesis, God would create something, and say it was good, not bad. God created paradise, so it isn't God that is to blame for the bad things, but those who have fallen- and the devil.

========== In Reply To ========== I am a born again Christian. I was saved when I was 9 years old and baptized when I was 15. I am now 20 years old. For the past few years, I have been fighting the devil. I know that will sound crazy to non-Christians, but most Christians will understand what I am talking about. I think that my fight with the devil has a lot to do with my mother. In January 2000, she was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. She passed away November 29, 2002. After lots of praying, I finally realized she was not getting better and probably never would. For the last year of her life, I mostly went through the motions of praying. I know, in my heart, that I am wrong to feel this way, but I blame God for my mother getting sick. Since her death, it has gotten much worse. I still believe in God. I believe that He is my saviour. But, somewhere, deep inside, I am angry with Him for taking my mother away from me. Maybe this is a selfish thing, I honestly do not know. All I really know is that I am fighting myself, God, and the devil over this. I want a relationship with the Lord again, but how can I have that when I am so angry? Okay, I'm rambling. Let me shut-up. If any true believers have any advice or just want to lend an ear, please email me at blue_eyed_angel39180@yahoo.com

Posted in Hardcore For Christ? on 2003-03-19 21:24:28

Hey, hardcore can refer anything- not just the sexual reference you blantantly stated before. Hardcore for Christ is a ligitimate statement- and anyone who deeply konws Christ will know that hardcore will simply mean the adoration we have for Christ. So take your rebutals somewhere else, please.

========== In Reply To ========== Someone needs to take this pollster aside and very quietly and tactfully explain to them what "hardcore" means in an Internet context. Try entering it in a search engine, without SafeSearch on, and see what you come up with.

Posted in Isaac or Ishmael? on 2003-02-25 21:21:27

I have only just accepted God fully, but I have learned many things about Christianity. You see- there are so many things that I disagree with from other churches, and by studying 1st century Christian theology, you can’t understand the modern day Christian. Actually, I will use Christian very specifically, because the fact is that nowadays, someone can call themselves Christian, but not know what it really is. Christians, real Christians, are those that have come to God with outstretched arms, and allowed Him to direct their lives.

As for extremists in Christianity, yeah there are a lot. In today’s Christian society, I can see two groups that seem to get all of the attention, and a third that is left behind. The two extremes are: 1) Christians who are outspoken, and think that they need to forcefully convert every person who walks by them, and 2) Those who say “Yeah, I’m a Christian,” and don’t do anything about it. The third group is actually a medium sized assembly, yet a significant number of Christians. These are the TRUE Christians. These people are the ones who are diligent in their faith and work hard to deepen their faith. Yeah, we try to help people to find God, but we don’t shove bibles down their throats. We offer FACT, plain and simple.

Another thing- people who are not Christians, much like Valer, throw all of these riddles and facts at us as Christians- and a lot of them are good arguments. But I have a question for you, ever wonder why we don’t change our minds? Why we aren’t convinced by your point of view? And no, the answer is not that we don’t listen, our minds are not closed. We simply have something you don’t- a reason to stay with Christianity. If I was to put in anything regarding the bible, I know that Valer would disregard it in a second, throw it out the window as fictional fantasies. But here is something Valer can not argue with- the love and joy that I feel in God. I LOVE THE LORD! I can feel Him in my heart, and in my soul.

This little morsel is for Valer:

I cannot offer anything that you can not dispute. Because Christianity is founded on faith and not logic, to your eyes, it will never be true. But in my heart I weep for you. You are missing out on something real. Yeah sure, the Pope isn’t always right, the teachings of the bible can be disputed, and there are so many loopholes in our theory that it can confuse the best of us- but one thing is for sure. Christianity isn’t about the bible, or the Church. IT IS ABOUT GOD. And in him I have found an everlasting source of joy, love and forgiveness. Don’t get caught up in the facts Valer, as it won’t do anything to help you. I’ll pray for you, that you will no longer be confused by the controversy, but see that Christianity is about something more than the tangible.