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hey here is a "misellanious"(SP!)poll for ya'll.. so have fun and take the damn poll...lol!

If you had a choice between two guys that you really liked...what would you do? Would you............

50% (4) Pick one and get it over with.
25% (2) Say yes to both of 'em and cheat on 'em and don't tell either of 'em.
25% (2) Go out with neither, save one of 'em for later.
0% (0) Go out with both of 'em and tell 'em and have them be kewl with it, then have a threesome.

8 voters have answered this question.

If your boyfriend wanted to see you sleep with another girl to be turned on, what would you do?

12% (1) Say sure hunny, anything for you!
12% (1) Say screw you, go find another guinea pig to play with.
37% (3) Say maybe further on in our relationship.
37% (3) Say sure everyone needs to experiment sometime.

8 voters have answered this question.

If your boyfriend wanted to sleep with you and he was trying to "force" you in a way, what would you do?

37% (3) Dump him and get over it.
0% (0) Give in and say sure hunny, anything for you.
25% (2) Say screw you, find another guinea pig to play with.
12% (1) Say yes because you wouldn't want him to stalk and rape you for saying no.
25% (2) Say no and if you can't deal with it oh well!

8 voters have answered this question.

If one of yor best friends took drugs, what would you do?

25% (2) Not be his/her friend anymore.
50% (4) Just let 'em do what they want, your not the one to make decisions for them.
12% (1) Hate forever.
12% (1) Forget about it.

8 voters have answered this question.

If you were haveing problems at home such as, your parents abusing you, sexually, physically, emotionally, and/or verbally, what would you do?

50% (4) Tell someone and get help.
37% (3) Don't say anything because you would be afraid that your parents would do something horribly bad and
0% (0) When they aren't home, have someone pick you up and that way you could live with them for a while.
25% (2) Call the police and leave your house.

8 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-02-23 18:16:17 by icytrik
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