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Strip Poker - Ever Play?

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What's your experience with the classic game of strip poker?

Have you ever played strip poker?

90% (236) Yes
3% (8) No
6% (17) No, but I wish I had

261 voters have answered this question.

Your gender?

67% (174) Male
32% (82) Female

256 voters have answered this question.

At what ages did you play?

15% (39) 6-10 years old
43% (108) 11-13 years old
46% (117) 14-17 years old
32% (81) 18-22 years old
17% (43) 23-30 years old
10% (25) 31-50 years old
2% (7) 50+ years old

249 voters have answered this question.

What kind of group of people did you play with?

36% (89) All male.
11% (28) All female.
68% (169) Both male and female.
49% (122) All about the same age.
28% (70) Mixed ages.

247 voters have answered this question.

What kind of rules did you have?

63% (155) Everybody starts with the same amount of clothing.
15% (37) You have to take an item off first in order to bet it.
64% (158) You can't put something back on after you take it off.
49% (121) You play for forfeits after you have no more clothes to bet.
50% (124) The game keeps going until everybody is undressed.

244 voters have answered this question.

Welshing - did anybody 'chicken out' and refuse to get naked when they lost?

27% (67) Yes
2% (5) Yes, and it was me.
70% (168) No

240 voters have answered this question.

What's your reaction to the game?

79% (195) Good fun, good memories
62% (153) I'd like to play again
4% (11) I'm uneasy about this
2% (6) Wish I hadn't played, not a good experience

245 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-03-08 21:27:47 by Soriano
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