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Wet Pants or Allowed Restroom Visits?

There has been much discussion in "wet pants at school" about accidents at school. Some teachers always say yes, some always say no. Some vary the answser. Should middle and high school students be allowed to go the the restroom during class if they need to go?
1. Should teachers allow students to leave class to go to the restroom if they need to go?
A. Yes
B. No
2. Should teachers tell students that they have to go between classes or use the bathroom in their pants in class?
A. Yes
B. No
3. Should students who are short on time be allowed to put books on desk and be given extra time to take care or restroom needs so they won't be counted tardy?
A. Yes
B. No
4. In the middle or high school you attended the longest period of time, did you have adequate passing time to take care of personal needs such as going to lockers, restroom, sharpen pencils etc,?
A. Yes
B. No
5. Not counting travel time (which will vary from period to period from school to school) how much time should students have to take care of restroom needs?
A. One minute
B. Two minutes
C. Three minutes
D. Four minutes
6. Should teachers allow only a certain number of restroom passes per nine weeks?
A. Yes
B. No
7. Some teachers allow only a certain number of passes per nine weeks after which all request would be denied.(Documented medical reasons not counted.) What number should that be? (Even if you are against limiting number of restroom passes, please answer this question)
A. None
B. One
C. Two
D. Three
E. Five
F. Eight
G. There shouldn't be a limit.
8. Some teachers use D-Hall for trips to the restroom during class? One day of D-Hall should be given when?
A. One day of D-Hall for each restroom visit
B. One free visit, then D-Hall for each additional restroom visit.
C. One day of D-hall for each three restroom visits per nine weeks.
D. One day of D-Hall for each five restroom viists for each nine weeks.
E. I don't believe D-hall should be given except for restroom misbehavior
9. What was the highest grade where a student asked permission to go to the restroom and was denied and had a wetting accident? Don't count true medical conditions beyond the student and teacher's control.
A. Fourth or below
B. Fifth Grade
C. Sixth Grade
D. Seventh Grade
E. Eight Grade
F. Nineth Grade
G. Tenth Grade
H. Eleventh Grade
I. Twelth Grade
J. Don't remember
10. If there were more time between classes, would this decrease the number of restroom requests during class?
A. Yes
B. No
11. Teachers who did not make a control issue of restroom requests and gave adequate time during the breaks had -
A. Fewer requests and less disruption than those who made a big deal of it.
B. Had more requests and class disruption than those teachers who made it a control issue.
C. Doesn't matter that much. Depends on how well teacher handles other routine problems.
12. Should students have a right to the restroom when they need it as long as there is no intentional disruption of class and there is no misbehavior in the restroom.
A. Yes
B. No
13. Students with known problems should have a note on file with every teacher, but what about students with a new problem such as girls' periods, stomach viruss, bladder infections etc. If this situations occur at school there is no time for a doctor's note. If a doctor's note is required by a teacher. How should this be handled?
A. Doctor's notes should not be required to keep a student from going to the bathroom or getting D-H
B. Student should be given time to bring doucmentation from doctor
C. Illness that begin at school are unexcused. Tough.
D. Doctor's notes shouldn't count.
14. Some teachers sincerely believe that students should not be permitted to leave class even if that means a bathroom accident. Have you had a teacher or know of a teacher who believed that to the point that when they had an emergency they had an accident rather than leave the room? If so how many incidences?
A. None
B. One
C. Two
D. Three
E. More than three
15. To quote from one school handbook, "In general, students will not be permitted to go to the restroom or get a drink of water during class." Do you agree with this as a policy for a school?
A. Yes
B. No
16. There are times that a dire emergency can't be postposed even for a minute. Should teachers make it clear that students are to bolt from the class, take care of the problem, and as long as there is no delieberate misbehavior or documented "faking it" there are no consequences.
A. Yes
B. No
Has a teacher ever denied your request to go to the restroom making it clear that you will have to go in your pants if you can't hold it.
A. Yes and I had an accident
B. Yes, but I made it to the end of class
C. No
How many teachers did you have that refused all requests unless there was a doctor's note regardless how bad a student needed to go? Count grades only five through high school.
A. None
B. Very few
C. About half and half
D. Most of the teachers
E. All the teachers
in each grade how many wetting accidents do you remember happening at your school? Questions 16 through 20
A. Nineth Grade None
B. Nineth Grade One
C. Nineth Grade Two
D. Nineth grade More than two
In the Tenth Grade
A. None
B. One
C. Two
D. More than two
In the eleventh grade
A. None
B. One
C Two
D. More than two
In the twelth grade
A. None
B. One
C. Two
D. More than two
This poll was created on 2003-07-04 04:06:54 by old faithful