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Political and Moral Issues

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This poll on political and moral issues was created and brought to you by the Ol' Buffalo Issues Webpage at www.nay.org/issues.htm.

With regard to political issues, you consider yourself to be a...

42% (66) Conservative
27% (42) Moderate
29% (46) Liberal

154 voters have answered this question.

The political party you feel most alligned with is...

29% (46) Republican
32% (50) Democratic
16% (26) Libertarian
3% (6) Green
3% (5) Communist
2% (4) Socialist
12% (19) Other

156 voters have answered this question.

Which of the predominant political parties do you believe does a better overall job dealing with the issues facing the US?

31% (49) Republicans
28% (45) Democrats
36% (57) None of the above
3% (5) Don't know

156 voters have answered this question.

Some critics say that in tracking down potential terrorists, the FBI and other investigative agencies are infringing on individuals' Constitutional rights. Are you willing to give up some of your freedoms in this way in exchange for better safety and security?

36% (56) Yes
57% (87) No
5% (9) Don't know

152 voters have answered this question.

Should resident aliens and all non-US citizens be required to carry an ID card issued by the US Immigration and Naturalization Service while they are in the US?

72% (110) Yes
22% (34) No
5% (8) Dont' know

152 voters have answered this question.

Which issue is of greater concern to you right now and needs the most urgent attention by the Federal government?

6% (10) Terrorism
1% (3) Crime
35% (54) Economy
9% (15) Health care
0% (1) Social Security
7% (11) National defense
2% (4) Breakdown of family
9% (14) Education
5% (8) Burdensome taxes
12% (19) Excessive government regualtions
9% (14) Corruption in big business

153 voters have answered this question.

How healthy do you believe the US economy will be in 6 months?

1% (3) Strong growth
4% (7) Moderate growth
25% (39) Slight growth
17% (27) Stay about the same
20% (31) Slight decline
13% (21) Moderate decline
9% (15) Strong decline
6% (10) Don't know

153 voters have answered this question.

How do you feel about Federal income taxes

16% (25) The recent tax cut was about right
4% (7) The recent tax cut was too much
25% (39) The recent tax cut should never have happened
36% (56) We need more tax cuts
16% (26) No opinion

153 voters have answered this question.

Including business/corporate income taxes (which are built into the cost of the goods and services you buy), sales taxes, personal income taxes, etc. what percentage of income do you believe the average person pays in total taxes in the US?

2% (4) Less than 5%
10% (15) 6-10%
19% (29) 11-20%
21% (32) 21-30%
23% (35) 31-40%
11% (17) 41-50%
6% (9) 51-60%
5% (8) More than 60%

149 voters have answered this question.

Do you support eliminating the death/inheritance tax?

60% (92) Yes
30% (46) No
9% (15) Don't know

153 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe the Federal tax code should be completely overhauled?

72% (110) Yes
13% (20) No
14% (22) Don't know

152 voters have answered this question.

Who do you believe does a better overall job of dealing with social issues such as poverty?

24% (37) Family, friends and neighbors
25% (38) Charities
14% (21) Local governments
21% (32) State governments
14% (22) Federal government

150 voters have answered this question.

Who do you believe would do the best job of managing and paying for health care benefits?

21% (32) Health insurance
14% (22) State or local government
32% (49) Federal government
32% (49) None of these

152 voters have answered this question.

What do you believe is the primary cause of rising health care costs?

3% (5) Inflation
7% (12) Cost of new/improved health care technology
10% (16) Law suits against health care providers
9% (14) Greedy health care providers
30% (46) Greedy insurance companies
7% (12) Cost of government regulation
1% (2) Hypochondriacs using up resources
9% (14) Uninsured people using up resources
16% (25) Waste and fraud in health care system
3% (5) Don't know

151 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe that there should be a limit on the amount of money patients and their lawyers collect when suing their health care providers?

60% (89) Yes
29% (43) No
10% (16) Don't know

148 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe the Social Security system should be modified to allow you to invest a part of your Social Security taxes in stocks, bonds, etc?

50% (75) Yes
34% (51) No
15% (23) Don't know

149 voters have answered this question.

At what government level do you believe education would be best planned, controlled and funded?

34% (52) Local
40% (60) State
18% (27) Federal
6% (10) Don't know

149 voters have answered this question.

Should a Federally-funded voucher system be established to allow parents to send to private schools if they desire?

42% (63) Yes
47% (70) No
10% (15) Don't know

148 voters have answered this question.

What do you see as the cause of the decline in the quality of education in the US?

13% (20) Complacent parents
4% (7) Parents who are too busy
12% (18) Discipline of students not strict enough
17% (26) Not enough money
31% (47) Too much bureaucracy
8% (13) Substandard teachers
4% (7) Crowded classrooms
4% (6) Television
3% (5) Don't know

149 voters have answered this question.

How do your feel about the strength of the US military? (check all that apply)

38% (58) Forces are too small and over worked
23% (35) Forces are to large, we need to cut back
22% (34) Force size is about right
37% (56) Forces are well trained
14% (21) Forces need better training
16% (25) Forces have adequate equipment
20% (31) Forces need more equipment
28% (43) Forces need more modern equipment
5% (8) No opinion

150 voters have answered this question.

Which government body should make laws?

4% (7) Executive
81% (121) Legislative
6% (10) Judicial
7% (11) Don't know

149 voters have answered this question.

The federal courts are...

38% (58) Too liberal
29% (44) Too conservative
14% (22) Just right
17% (26) No opinion

150 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe it is acceptable to apply a "litmus test" on key issues (ie abortion) to federal judge and Supreme Court nominees?

36% (53) Yes
40% (59) No
22% (33) Don't know

145 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe the Senate should be required to act on the aproval/rejection of federal judge nominees within a period of 180 days?

69% (102) Yes
12% (19) No
17% (26) Don't know

147 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe that voting should be limited to people who understand the issues and the platforms of candidates?

46% (69) Yes
49% (74) No
4% (7) Don't know

150 voters have answered this question.

Overall, do you believe the news media report news without political bias?

56% (84) News media applies a liberal bias
24% (36) News media applies a conservative bias
7% (11) News media is unbaised
11% (17) Don't know

148 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe that the petroleum reserves in the Alaska Arctic can be safely developed?

60% (90) Yes
27% (40) No
12% (18) Don't know

148 voters have answered this question.

If it can be done safely, do you believe the petroleum reserves in the Alaska Arctic should be developed?

68% (102) Yes
24% (36) No
7% (11) Don't know

149 voters have answered this question.

How do you feel about abortion? (check all that apply)

22% (33) Ban all abortions
29% (44) Ban partial-birth abortion
53% (80) Allow abortion to save mother's life
50% (76) Allow abortion in case of rape
48% (72) Allow abortion in case of incest
38% (57) Abortion should legal in all cases

150 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe homosexuals should be allowed to marry each other with all the legal rights and obligations as in heterosexual marriages?

50% (77) Yes
43% (66) No
5% (8) Don't know

151 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-08-12 22:47:07 by intermountain
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