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Forced to hold it as punishment

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Has a teacher or your parents ever punshished you by not letting you go to the bathroom? If so please click on "talk about it" and tell us you story. If you do not have a account register, it only takes a minute.

Did a teacher ever deny you permisstion to go to the bathroom?

90% (832) yes
9% (91) no

923 voters have answered this question.

Did a teacher ever punish you by not letting you go to the bathroom? If so how long

17% (158) no
50% (465) the whole day
10% (100) most of the day
5% (52) half a day
8% (74) 1 hour
7% (69) 2hours

918 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever seen another student punished by not being allowed to go to the bathroom? If so how long?

21% (201) No
44% (406) whole day
14% (134) half a day
11% (105) 1 hour
7% (69) 2hours

915 voters have answered this question.

Did you ever have to keep holding it after school?

10% (98) no
9% (82) I went after class
15% (143) until I got home after detention, sports ect
11% (108) I went at home after class
52% (476) I had to keep holding it even when I got home

907 voters have answered this question.

Did your parents ever make you keep holding it after school? If so how long?

28% (264) no
4% (37) 1 hour
5% (46) 2 hours
4% (45) 3 hours
3% (31) 4 hours
6% (58) 5 hours
14% (130) until bed time (post story)
33% (301) until the next morning (post story)

912 voters have answered this question.

Did your parents ever punish you by not letting you pee? If so how long

3% (29) less than a hour
2% (24) 1 hour
7% (65) 2 to 3 hours
7% (66) 4 to 5 hours
8% (76) 6 to 7 hours
7% (69) 8 to 10 hours
40% (367) over ten hours
23% (215) no

911 voters have answered this question.

How common was or is it for you parents to punish you this way?

32% (285) it's not common
25% (224) somewhat common
42% (376) very common

885 voters have answered this question.

Did you pee your pants at school from being forced to hold it?

39% (354) yes
40% (369) no
20% (181) sometimes

904 voters have answered this question.

Do or did you know anyone who's parents punished them this way?

53% (479) yes
46% (416) no

895 voters have answered this question.

Did you ever pee your pants from being made to hold it? If so what punishment did you get?

22% (205) no
5% (51) Didn't get punished
2% (21) yelled at
16% (153) spanking
3% (29) corner time
7% (67) has to hold it over again
36% (333) has to hold it over again ever longer
4% (44) other

903 voters have answered this question.

Were you ever made to hold it while you out someplace with you parents? If so where?

63% (517) store
77% (634) road trip
50% (412) movies
41% (340) sporting event
53% (439) other persons house

814 voters have answered this question.

Has your parents ever forbid you from asking to go during class?

36% (327) no
15% (141) yes, they told me not to ask the teacher
47% (427) yes, they told my teacher not to let me go if I asked

895 voters have answered this question.

Did your parent ever forbid you from getting up during the night to go to the bathroom?

30% (269) no
4% (40) no, but I had to other places
14% (126) on a few occasions
8% (77) most of the time
42% (379) all the time

891 voters have answered this question.

If and when you have kids will you ever punish them this way?

21% (185) yes (tell us why)
56% (491) no
22% (199) maybe

875 voters have answered this question.

Whats the longest you have ever held it in your life as a child?

11% (99) 1 to 3 hours
14% (126) 4 to 7 hours
13% (117) 8 to 10 hours
10% (92) 11 to 13 hours
9% (86) 14 to 16 hours
7% (69) just under 24
10% (94) 24 hours
23% (207) longer

890 voters have answered this question.

Has your parents ever told you that you could not go to that bathroom when you were out someplace and then made you keep holding even when you got home as punishment

64% (568) yes
30% (273) no
4% (43) no, but my brother/sister had to

884 voters have answered this question.

I you ever knew somesome whoes paents made them hold it how long?

43% (373) not sure
2% (24) 1 hour
2% (24) 2 hours
6% (59) 3 to 4 hours
4% (40) 5 to 6 hours
5% (47) 7 to 8 hours
3% (26) 9 to 10 hours
30% (257) longer than 10 hours

850 voters have answered this question.

Did you know anyone in any of your classes who had parents that didn't allow them to use the restroom? If so in which way?

43% (380) no
16% (143) yes they were not allowed to ask to go during class
39% (341) yes they were not allowed to go at all at school

864 voters have answered this question.

How many restroom breaks on average were you or are you given in elementary school?

44% (385) 1
26% (227) 2
18% (164) 3
3% (34) 4
6% (59) 5

869 voters have answered this question.

What was or is you elementary schools rules on restroom usage during class?

8% (76) We could go anytime we wanted
17% (154) they let you go sometimes
40% (359) They never let you go during class
32% (288) Some teacher would let you go and others never would

877 voters have answered this question.

Did or does you parents restrict you on how many times you can go to the bathroom at home?

27% (241) no, I could go when ever I wanted
3% (35) no, but I had to get permission to go
22% (195) yes and I had to ask permission
16% (147) only when being punished
3% (35) sometimes
8% (75) yes, and only at certain times
16% (149) yes, at certain times. Had to ask to go at other times

877 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-09-12 13:56:45 by bassman21
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