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How do you act in public?

How do you act in public? Are you a fumbling idiot or a smooth talking charmer?
Are you goodlooking?
Yes, anyone I know would say I am, and I would have to agree.
No, we all can admit that I bear some resemblance to the hunchback of Notre Dame.
I think I'm goodlooking, but not everyone I know agrees with me.
I think I'm not very goodlooking, but my friends are continuously trying to convince me that I am.
How often do you go out in public?
If my house was on fire, You'd have to drag me out kicking and screaming.
I've virtually forgotten what my house looks like because I'm out 24/7.
I'm usually at home, except when I need to go shopping or go to work or school.
I'm usually out somewhere, except when I need to eat or sleep.
I guess I'm home half the time and out half the time.
Do you like going to large parties?
Yes, what can I say? They're fun.
Yes, once in a while.
No, I prefer smaller more intimate gatherings.
No, I hate parties.
When at a social gathering, what do you occupy yourself doing most of the time?
Making smalltalk.
Saying "Oh", "Wow", "That's great", "That's too bad" and calling that smalltalk.
Standing in the corner.
Offering others food or drinks.
MALES: How often do you blush in public?
I blush all the time.
Honestly never.
FEMALES: How often do you blush in public?
I blush all the time.
Honestly never.
When someone you don't know starts to make conversation with you, how do you behave?
I act like I've known them forever. I'm perfectly comfortable with strangers.
I pretend to be interested in what they're saying and wait for them to shut up.
I make it clear that I don't want to talk to them by offending or scaring them.
I turn from them abruptly and walk away, as if I didn't hear them.
I become anxious, because I am hoping that I will say the right things.
I'm usually very relaxed & reserved. If the person wants to talk to me they can.
How many true trust-with-your-life friends do you have?
I know absolutely no one
I have acquaintances, but I don't have friends.
more than 10
What do you think are your best features?
My face
My body
My sense of humor
My compassion and generosity
My personality
My talents/skills
My job
My relationships with important people
My possesions
My devotion to God
My intelligence
This poll was created on 2003-08-26 22:39:07 by Gen