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Wet Pants or Allowed Restroom Visits Part Two

Wet Pants or Allowed Restrrom Visits generated a lot of opinions. Here are moe questions that will stir debate.
If you are or were a student in high school and had an emergency that could not be postposed,which would you rather do. Detention hall is before or after school for 30 to 45 minutes of sitting quietly doing or appearing to do something contructive. It is like staying in at recess in elementary school.
Wet my pants in class total soaking
Serve a day of detention hall
Should teachers deliberately make a student stay in class and wet their pants and know it is happening and not let the student go?
Yes, teachers should not allow students to leave class to go to the restroom.
Yes, but do this only to students who have deliberately abused restroom visits.
No, Teachers should not deliberately make a student wet their pants in class.
Is there any educational value in denying restroom visits to the point of having students wet their pants in high school.
Yes, Problems of students out of class is more important than a wetting accident
No, there is no educational value making high school students wet their pants.
If you were to wet your pants in class in high school to the point of having to change clothes and the whole class saw it. How would you or how did you feel?
Embarassing, but not the end of the world.
Awkward, but could laugh about it later.
No big deal. Could laugh about it that day.
Would you or do you respect a teacher who denied you a restroom visit knowing that you were going to wet your pants?
Should the high school administration be responsible to see that every student has adequate time and opportunities to go to the restroom during the school day?
No. High school students should learn to hold it regardless of the circumstances.
How often should high school students be given adequate time for restroom breaks?
Between each class period
Every two hours
Every three hours
Every four hours
Only during the noon lunch break
If a teacher has denied permission to a high school student to vist the restroom and later sees a little urine leakage. What should the teacher do?
Nothing. Allow a full wetting accident with puddle.
Go ahead and let the student go
If a high school student wets his pants in class because the teacher wouldn't let him go should the teacher scold him for not going at the right time or for being a baby and not holding it?
Yes. High school students should be able to not ever have accidents in class.
No. The student is embarrassed enough as is.
Some teachers or schools have a rule forbiding any restroom visits by students during class for any reason. Period. If a teacher has an emergency, should the teacher follow the same rule and wet his pants in class?
Yes. a teacher should be willing to follow the same rules as students.
No. the teacher is an adult and can leave class if it is an emergency.
If a high school student wet his pants in class and you heard about it what would you first think happened?
The student had an emergency and the teacher would not let him or her go to the restroom.
The student had an emergency and was afraid to ask the teacher.
The student had a problem that day and didn't realize it in time.
The student had a medical problem and the wetting accident couldn't be avoided.
The student did it on purpose as a joke or protest or some other reason.
I wouldn't think anymore than if the student had a nosebleed.
If your high school did or were to severely restrict restroom visits and allow none during class, would you join other students in wetting your pants on purpose as a protest.
Did you wet your pants in high school during class? What was the reason. If it happened more than once mark the answer that happened the most.
Yes, and it was the teacher or school's fault.
Yes, and it was my fault
Yes, but I had a medical problem and couldn't be helped.
No, I did not wet my pants in class in high school.
As a high school student past or present how many wetting accidents happened in the classes you were in.
More than two
If you are a teacher, have you ever had a student wet his pants in class?
This question is for students who are presently in high school. About how many students wet their pants in your school each year?
One or two
Three or four
Five or more
This is for teachers who presently teach in high schools. In general,how many students wet their pants in high school during a school year?
One or two
Three or four
More than five
If there were several recent wetting accident at the local high school, who would you first think was at fault?
The school for restricting restroom visits too much
The students for not going when there was the opportunity.
What is your age?
High school student
Age 18-35
Over age 35
Are you now a high school teacher or have you taught high school in the past?
Did you attend public or private schools?
For students who are in public high schools right now, do the school rules, (not teacher rules), allow for students to have restroom visits during class if it is an emergency?
This poll was created on 2003-09-05 02:29:34 by old faithful