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Sex Ed

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I'm just curious what people think about the sex ed they have received

Did you reveive education about sex at school?

88% (284) Yes
11% (38) No

322 voters have answered this question.

Where did you gain the MAJORITY of your knowledge about sex and lovemaking?

19% (62) Lessons
32% (106) Friends at school
6% (22) Friends at home
6% (20) Magazines
5% (17) TV programs
9% (31) Films
13% (43) Parents
6% (21) Don't know much at all really!

322 voters have answered this question.

Do you think you have been taught enough about sex at school?

36% (119) Yes
49% (159) No
13% (45) Not sure

323 voters have answered this question.

Who taught sex at your school?

72% (222) PSHE / PSME / Health Ed teacher
4% (14) Form Tutor
7% (22) Nurse
15% (47) Other

305 voters have answered this question.

Which topics were covered?

86% (264) How a baby starts
77% (235) The menstrual cycle
35% (108) How to pleasure yourself
33% (101) How to pleasure the opposite sex
64% (197) Contraception
76% (233) STDs and HIV
17% (54) Other (please comment)

304 voters have answered this question.

Are you at all shy discussing sex with teachers and other adults?

21% (69) Yes, I hate it
49% (158) A little awkward
29% (93) Not at all

320 voters have answered this question.

Where were you educated?

15% (51) UK
52% (170) USA
12% (39) Mainland Europe
0% (1) South America
0% (2) Africa
7% (25) Canada
5% (17) Australia
1% (6) Asia
0% (1) Middle East
3% (10) Other

322 voters have answered this question.

How old are you now?

12% (40) Under 13
50% (164) 13 - 16
18% (60) 17 - 20
18% (58) 21 or older

322 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-01-07 19:41:47 by PenLOP
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