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For Women Only

I'd like to have your opinion on the following questions.
My wife and I armwrestled and she won, rather easily with both arms. If you beat your lover in armwrestling, how would you react?
A. I would lose all respect for him.
B. I would be embarassed for him.
C. I would think it is funny.
D. It wouldn't matter to me at all.
Would you be able to accept being stronger than your lover?
A. Yes, I'd have fun with it.
B. Yes, it does not matter.
C. If he could, I could.
D. Not really, it's just too weird.
E. No, not at all.
If you were on a date with a guy and beat him in armwrestling (fair and square), would you still go out with him again?
A. If I liked him I would.
B. As long as he didn't have a problem with it.
C. This would have no affect on my decision either way.
D. No.
For some reason, her muscular dominance really turned me on. It actually turned our sex lives around. Is this normal?
A. Yes.
B. Unusual but okay.
C. Different strokes for different folks.
D. It's sick and disgusting; ya'll are perverts.
Many people (men and women) admit in private polls that female muscle strength and dominance is a turn on for them. Do you think it would be sexy for you?
A. Tried it, like it.
B. Sounds fun.
C. I'd like to try it once to see.
D. No, never.
Hypothetically speaking, if you found out your lover had a female muscle fetish and you knew you were unable to satisfy it, would you do any of the following?
A. I would work out and try to get stronger than him.
B. I would confront him about it and tell him to forget it.
C. I would suggest role play in which we would pretend I was stronger.
D. None of this, I would dump him.
Do you think you are as strong or stronger than your lover?
A. I've already proved I am.
B. He's already proved I'm not.
C. Maybe, it would be close.
D. No.
E. If I am, I don't want to know it.
If he challenged you to a night of wrestling competition and winner got to control the loser sexually, how would you react?
A. I would accept and kick his ass.
B. I would accept and try to win.
C. I would suggest something else.
D. I would tell him no.
E. I would dump him.
This poll was created on 2003-11-27 05:46:38 by hog