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Controversial School Questions

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This is a poll with questions about school that are controversial.

Should cellular phones be allowed in schools?

62% (66) Yes
31% (33) No
6% (7) Not Sure

106 voters have answered this question.

Should gum be banned in schools?

32% (34) Yes
59% (62) No
7% (8) Not Sure

104 voters have answered this question.

How long should school be?

4% (5) 10+ hours
0% (0) 9 hours
8% (9) 8 hours
30% (32) 7 hours (like most schools)
8% (9) 6 hours, 30 minutes
15% (16) 6 hours
2% (3) 5 hours
7% (8) 4 hours
1% (2) 3 hours
0% (1) 2 hours
0% (0) 1 hour
0% (0) 30 minutes
0% (0) 20 minutes
1% (2) 10 minutes
0% (0) 5 minutes
0% (0) 1 minute
5% (6) 5 seconds
9% (10) I like how long my school day already is
0% (1) Not Sure

104 voters have answered this question.

How many days a week should school be open weekly? (Not including holidays)

4% (5) 7 days
7% (8) 6 days
56% (58) 5 days (like all schools do)
23% (24) 4 days
1% (2) 3 days
0% (1) 2 days
4% (5) 1 day
0% (0) Not Sure

103 voters have answered this question.

How many months should school be open?

6% (7) 12 months
4% (5) 11 months
38% (40) 10 months (like most schools do)
30% (31) 9 months
9% (10) 8 months
1% (2) 7 months
1% (2) 6 months
5% (6) <5 months

103 voters have answered this question.

Should schools use letter grades?

63% (67) Yes
29% (31) No
6% (7) Not Sure

105 voters have answered this question.

Should teachers be allowed to search through students' lockers?

37% (39) Yes
56% (58) No
5% (6) Not Sure

103 voters have answered this question.

Should electronics be allowed on school overnight trips?

81% (84) Yes
13% (14) No
4% (5) Not Sure

103 voters have answered this question.

Should students be allowed to make their own rules?

18% (19) Yes
65% (66) No
15% (16) Not Sure

101 voters have answered this question.

Should Students be required to wear uniforms to school?

27% (28) Yes
66% (67) No
5% (6) Not Sure

101 voters have answered this question.

Is homework good?

51% (53) Yes
36% (37) No
11% (12) Not Sure

102 voters have answered this question.

What should happen if a student doesn't get his/her homework done?

35% (36) He/she should get punished (ie detention or working lunch)
35% (36) He/she should be allowed to finish it during class
24% (25) Other
4% (5) Not Sure

102 voters have answered this question.

What should happen if a student is late to school?

16% (17) He/she should get punished (ie detention)
47% (49) He/she should get punished but only after 3 chances
10% (11) He/she should get punished but only after 10 chances
17% (18) Nothing should happen
3% (4) Other
1% (2) Not Sure
1% (2) No opinion

103 voters have answered this question.

Should each student have their own desk in a classroom?

75% (78) Yes
8% (9) No
13% (14) Sometimes
2% (3) Not Sure

104 voters have answered this question.

Do you agree with the "group philosophy" common in today's schools, where kids are forced to work with other kids?

49% (49) Yes
38% (38) No
13% (13) Not Sure

100 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-12-01 21:50:27 by Pollmaker0116
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