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Let's find out how Step-parents stack up against real parents.
Are you....
Plese answer this question ONLY if you were old enough to remember when a step-MOTHER replaced your natural Mother.
I'm a girl, and my step-mom was better than my real mother.
Girl, step-mom was worse.
Girl, step-mom about equal.
Boy, step-mom was better.
Boy, step-mom was worse.
Boy, step-mom was equal.
Please answer this ONLY if you can remember when your Step-FATHER replaced your natural Father.
I'm a boy, and my step-father was worse than my natural father.
Boy, step-dad was better.
Boy, step-dad was about equal.
Girl, step-dad was worse.
Girl, step-dad was better.
Girl, step-dad was equal.
In general, how did your step-FATHER treat you?
My step-father was a real a-hole.
I didn't think much of my step-father.
He was OK, I guess.
Actually, I guess he really WAS O-K.
A really great father to me.
How about Step-MOTHER?
Complete a-hole.
I didn't think much of her.
OK, I guess.
Gee, really OK.
A really great Mom.
Did you feel that, because you were a Step-Child, that your step-parent or step-siblings had a looser definition of what would constitute incest? Did they make you feel particularly uncomfortable or vulnerable in this way?
Yes, I felt at risk.
I think so, but I did not feel at risk.
No, I don't think was an issue.
Yes, I had unacceptable experiences.
Were you really mesed up by the fact that you had a step-Parent? (substitute dad/mom as necessary in questions)
Yes---it was hell and messed up my life.
It was bad, but I've learned to deal with it and get on with my life.
It was probably not much different than living with natural parents.
There were problems, but at least Mom loved the new guy. For a while.
It was better than things would have been with my real dad.
It was great--I was very lucky with my "choice" of parents.
Whose fault do you think it was, that your original parents broke up?
Nobody's. One died.
Mom's, and I live with her.
Dad's, and I live with him.
My mother's, and I live with Dad.
My father's, and I live with Mom.
About equal.
What do you think was the reason your natural parents split up?
He was gone before I was born.
One sent to jail.
Money problems.
Just sex, no love.
They were a stupid match in the first place.
How do you feel about your natural absent parent?
Don't know him/her.
I love him/her.
I know him/her, but don't care much.
I hate him/her.
What to you think of this statement: "The best thing a father can do for his kids is to love their mother."
I strongly agree.
It's good, but not the most important thing.
It sounds catchy, but I don't buy it.
No, I don't think that has much to do with it.
It's stupid.
It applies a lot better to a natural father than to a step-father.
This poll was created on 2003-12-12 16:53:15 by jtur88