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Animal testing

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This is a poll for anyone. I want to get others opinions on animal testing and other practices.

Animal testing on cosmetics:

61% (172) Is cruel and uncalled for
7% (22) Is no different from eating meat
19% (53) Is not worth it
27% (77) Should be stoped
16% (46) Is sad but neaded

278 voters have answered this question.

Animal testing for medical treatment is

43% (123) wrong period
13% (38) I dont know
39% (111) worth saving human lives
2% (8) whats the problem?

280 voters have answered this question.

Desection of animals in class is:

45% (127) murder
30% (84) vital for our edication
24% (67) complex

278 voters have answered this question.

Eating meat is:

12% (34) wrong
19% (53) what humans were ment to do
41% (116) is ok if we only eat what is neaded to be health
26% (74) perfectly fine

277 voters have answered this question.

I am:

11% (31) vegatarian
3% (9) vegain
62% (172) typical eater
20% (56) only eat the recamended amount of meat
1% (4) on a medical diet
1% (5) on a different diet

277 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

24% (69) under 13
61% (170) 14-19
9% (27) 20-29
1% (5) 30-39
1% (4) 40-59
1% (3) 60 and older

278 voters have answered this question.

What gender are you

65% (180) Female
34% (95) Male

275 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-03-14 21:33:13 by Lysa
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