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i'm jut asking to se if all brother are annoying like mine! ;-)

how old are you?

22% (418) under 10
35% (653) 11-12
23% (435) 13-14
11% (215) 15-16
5% (92) 17-18
4% (79) 19-over

1820 voters have answered this question.


33% (611) male.
62% (1124) female.
8% (152) monkey.

1810 voters have answered this question.

how many brothers do you have?

46% (817) 1
16% (298) 2
6% (107) 3
2% (44) 4
1% (30) 5
1% (20) 6
0% (13) 7
0% (11) 8
0% (9) 9
2% (41) 10 or over
28% (505) none

1776 voters have answered this question.

how many sisters do you have?

46% (836) 1
17% (317) 2
5% (106) 3
2% (43) 4
1% (24) 5
0% (12) 6
0% (17) 7
0% (9) 8
0% (12) 9
1% (29) 10 or over
27% (493) none

1799 voters have answered this question.

are you sibling older or younger?

23% (429) all older, i'm the baby of the family
48% (882) all younger, i'm the oldest
26% (479) both, i'm the middle child, or just somehwere in between
4% (81) other.

1820 voters have answered this question.

do they annoy you a lot on purpose?

80% (1456) YES! it seems they can't do anything but bug me!
17% (319) they aren't that bad, but they are annoying sometimes.
1% (36) they are just kids, you gotta expect that.
0% (14) no, they are perfect little angels.
1% (33) i remain closed for coment.
3% (57) other.

1813 voters have answered this question.

are your siblings just plaine out retarded?

37% (684) yes
14% (265) no
36% (667) sometimes
16% (302) the are the most stupid people in the world
4% (87) underwear

1803 voters have answered this question.

do you like chopped ham, or sliced?

32% (583) WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?
28% (517) WTF!!!!!!!
22% (403) i would have to say sliced!
7% (129) umm.... chopped
23% (426) lol

1810 voters have answered this question.

are your siblings disrespectfull to you and or anyone participating in this or any other poll on this or any other poll-site on this or any other computer in the house or internet cafe, or library?

52% (940) yes
10% (188) no
19% (340) what?!?!
12% (219) are you stupid?
5% (107) ok then
11% (211) no coments or questions

1789 voters have answered this question.

is this poll annoying, or just plain cool?

26% (475) it rocks the rocking chair sidways!!!!
18% (320) are you even freaking kidding me?!? its awesome!!
9% (176) its definantly the coolest thing i ever saw!
9% (163) coments or questions please contact me at 1-800-need moe for more info.
46% (826) ok then

1773 voters have answered this question.

i'm hyper (if you can't tell already) please e-mail me if you want to talk or make out or something (15/f/new york)lol NomoPhobia@yahoo.com don't forget to vote on weather you think its cool or not!! :-p

40% (721) ok, your just nutz!!
13% (231) your awesome!!!
11% (196) how do you think up all this stuff?
9% (167) are you running a fever?
10% (193) whats the expiration date on this yogart?
7% (138) is it raining?
19% (351) whatever!
14% (255) other

1770 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-04-30 19:08:21 by Ms.Jezebel
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