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User: Ms.Jezebel



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Posted in On the beach on 2004-06-18 20:38:43

you should try skydiving if you think peeing in public places is "exciting" did you know you can get arrested if thery catch you doing it?!?!? might want to think abouit that

Posted in On the beach on 2004-06-18 20:33:20

duh!! who would just start peeing while their talking to someone!! that is sooo gross! there are toilets for a reason ya know! its not very sanitary either! your gross!

Posted in HOMESCHOOLING!!!! for homeschoolers only! on 2004-06-18 20:19:29

OK, first of all, take a breath! cool off for a second. I was not implying that all homeschoolers are cooped up in the house all day. simply that SOME are. I don't know where you are from, but in a small town like mine, all of the homeschoolers i know don't leave the house for anything short of bread, milk and Ballet lessons. This might sound quite extreeme but i know a family that is so....how do i say it....sheltered, that the (11) children didn't even know you could by soup in a can at the store. But however i must say that i am somewhat more lucky than they are. I, like you, go many places during the week! i have spanish,cello,youth group, work and many other things just on wednesday. My dad ownes a roofing company and my mom a dog training and grooming buisiness, and i help both of them (and get paid) and also work at a horseback riding stable training horses. I COMPLETELY agree to your statemeant, that we are "worldschoolers"! I am only 15 but i have been to Australia, East Africa , Costa Rica and to 38 states in the US. (I am also leaving for Australia for a second visit on july first) I am sorry for any upsetting statements in this poll, but after all, its just a poll. I'm sorry if you mistook my meaning, its just suposed to be a fun little poll to do when your bored, nothing more. Signed,

Ms. Jezebel (A.K.A. Sarah)

P.S. Your letter was very well written for a 7th grader.

i'll definantly be sending you an e-mail!!!! cool beans