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I spank my children.(What of it?)

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I have been reading the messages in misterpoll's spanking polls.I can't believe the stupidity of most of the people who are against spanking.I am further amazed at the hostile attitude and malicious sarcasm of these same people.I thought that most misterpoll users are Americans.It appears that I was wrong.I am raising my children correctly.If they think they can intimidate me, they've come to the wrong poll.-Marie-

I spank my children.What are you going to do about it?

85% (220) applaud me for being a good mother
3% (10) post obnoxious messages
10% (27) ignore me and forget about it

257 voters have answered this question.

When I spank my children with a belt, I sometimes miss the buttocks, landing on the legs, arms, or back.What do you think will happen if this continues?

84% (204) absolutely nothing
15% (37) it will kill them

241 voters have answered this question.

If you post obnoxious messages, what will you do in them?

16% (16) accuse me of being a sadomasichist
17% (17) call me insane or stupid
14% (14) use profanity
22% (22) threaten to report me to Social Services
25% (25) tell me I'm an unfit mother
14% (14) create sarcastic dialogue
25% (25) try to sound witty
47% (46) accuse me of making poll just for fun

97 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-10-19 04:18:10 by MPC2711317088
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