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Holy Potty-Mouth, Batman®!

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As Christians, we sometimes fall into sinful acts which deliver us from the friendship of God. Various forms of profanity are some of them. Some of us go farther than others... Betcha Batman® would never be caught using malicious words to describe God or humanity. Neither should we.

How often do you take the Lord's name in vain?

53% (15) Everyday
3% (1) Once on purpose every so often
17% (5) NEVER!
21% (6) Only Accidentally
3% (1) I think it, but I don't say it

28 voters have answered this question.

Did you know that taking the Lord's name in vain is known as a mortal sin that delivers you from God's friendship?

28% (8) Yeah, right; who cares?
7% (2) Why, yes I did.
10% (3) Nope
17% (5) Depends on how you say it
35% (10) That's not true

28 voters have answered this question.

Do you use "cuss" words that do not "take the Lord's name in vain?"

57% (16) Everyday. Is that so wrong?
17% (5) Only when I get mad
10% (3) Sometimes accidentally
14% (4) Nope, no desire to
0% (0) Yes, because its a venial sin

28 voters have answered this question.

Did you know that "cuss" words are known as "venial sins" which deliver you slightly away, but not entirely, from the friendship of God?

0% (0) Like Body Odor or something?
14% (4) Yes, but I still cuss.
10% (3) Yes, I did.
10% (3) No, I didn't.
64% (18) I don't believe this crap.

28 voters have answered this question.

Holy Water blots out venial sin. Do you use it?

35% (10) I'm Christian; no, I don't.
3% (1) Yes, I do.
50% (14) No, I don't.
3% (1) I drink it when I cuss bigtime
7% (2) I'm Christian; yes, I do.

28 voters have answered this question.

Do you use racial, sexual, religious, state-of-being slurs?

21% (6) I don't cuss.
25% (7) Yep, the whole shebang.
7% (2) Just race, and sex.
25% (7) Just s-o-b, and religious.
21% (6) Yes to all, occasionally.

28 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel bad when the person you cussed at or about knows that you cussed at or about them?

17% (5) I don't cuss.
14% (4) No, I sure don't.
10% (3) Yes, sometimes.
39% (11) This is so stupid.
17% (5) No, they deserve it.

28 voters have answered this question.

All humans are the creation of God. When you cuss at God's creations you are cussing at Him. Do you believe this to be true?

14% (4) I do.
3% (1) I do, but I cuss anyway.
28% (8) No, I don't.
39% (11) Who comes up with this crap?
14% (4) Is this like a Catholic thing?

28 voters have answered this question.

Do you think cussing and taking the Lord's name in vain on television/radio/films is appropriate content for minors under 10, 15, 18?

21% (6) No, no; no!
28% (8) NO, sorta, yes
17% (5) Yes, Yes; YES!
17% (5) My kid can teach cussing class
14% (4) NO. yes, and yes.

28 voters have answered this question.

Does it matter to you at all that cussing or taking the Lord's name in vain is not only an offense against humanity, but also God Himself and all His creation?

39% (11) No, it doesn't matter to me.
17% (5) Yes, it does.
10% (3) Yes, & I am sorry for cussing
25% (7) So what
7% (2) Yes, I just have to do it.

28 voters have answered this question.

Do you see yourself curbing your appetite to cuss or take the Lord's name in vain in the future?

58% (17) no
3% (1) most definitely
10% (3) but of course
13% (4) I don't cuss.
13% (4) I haven't made up my mind yet

29 voters have answered this question.

Overall, how do you view taking the Lord's name in vain?

57% (16) I view it as normal
10% (3) It's a sign of weakness
7% (2) Only losers cuss
10% (3) Ungraceful
14% (4) A lack of identity with Jesus

28 voters have answered this question.

Overall, how do you view cussing?

3% (1) A sign of weakness
21% (6) Cussing helps express myself
3% (1) A sign of a corrupt mind
53% (15) A normal part of behavior
17% (5) A coward's way to communicate

28 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 1999-10-06 01:08:58 by MPC1496088442
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