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Would you want to be surgically neutered?

I started a campaign last year which aims to bring about a ban on spaying and castrating animals in the U.K. due to the side-effects and the fact that there are more humane ways of sterilising animals (my website address is www.freewebs.com/society_against_neutering). I decided to create this poll in order to find out how many people would be happy with being neutered against their will.
Are you male or female?
Would you be willing to go through with being surgically spayed or castrated for reasons which weren't concerned with saving your life from a disease which couldn't be treated in any other fashion (assuming that you wouldn't be allowed to take hormone suppliments after the operation)?
If you were given hormone suppliments, would you be okay with being neutered?
If you answered "No" to the last 2 questions, would you say that it is unfair to spay or castrate animals unless their lives depend on it due to some sort of illness?
This poll was created on 2004-12-02 13:55:51 by Nicholas Brown