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Should I make him a maid?

For Halloween I helped one of my friends dress up as a girl. His friends all saw him dressed and he was a big hit. What they didn't see was all the pictures I took of him practicing. I actually got him to take walks dressed up and everything. He'd die if his friends saw this, especially if I told them he did it all the time. One of my friends suggested using those pictures to make him my slave and I have to admit it's really tempting. What do you think?
First, do you think I should even do this at all?
Yes, this is too fun to pass up
No, he trusted you
He does make an incredibly convincing woman. Which of these things do you think is acceptable?
Making him do all my housework
Making him dress like a woman when he's not at work
Making him shave his body hair and grow his hair long
Making him wear panties, hose, and painted toe nails to work
Making him dress completely when not at work
Coming up with tasks to humiliate him in private (ie. Reading Cosmo)
Coming up with tasks to humiliate him in public
(ie. Shopping)
Tying him up to punish him if he screws up
Tying him up for the fun of it
Making him kiss, dance, and flirt with other guys
Making him date other guys
Should I keep taking pictures
Yes, make him dig himself in deepr
No, you have plenty of evidence
I bet some of my friends would love to help. Should I get my girlfriends involved?
Yes, the more the merrier
Yes, but only the ones you are absolutely sure about
No, keep it private
If he refuses what should I do
Overpower him, tie him up, and make him do it
Respect his wishes
Send out the pictures
Get some friends to help convince him
This poll was created on 2004-11-30 00:44:42 by Steph n Charge