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Should I make him a maid?

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For Halloween I helped one of my friends dress up as a girl. His friends all saw him dressed and he was a big hit. What they didn't see was all the pictures I took of him practicing. I actually got him to take walks dressed up and everything. He'd die if his friends saw this, especially if I told them he did it all the time. One of my friends suggested using those pictures to make him my slave and I have to admit it's really tempting. What do you think?

First, do you think I should even do this at all?

89% (322) Yes, this is too fun to pass up
10% (37) No, he trusted you

359 voters have answered this question.

He does make an incredibly convincing woman. Which of these things do you think is acceptable?

75% (274) Making him do all my housework
82% (301) Making him dress like a woman when he's not at work
69% (252) Making him shave his body hair and grow his hair long
74% (271) Making him wear panties, hose, and painted toe nails to work
76% (279) Making him dress completely when not at work
70% (256) Coming up with tasks to humiliate him in private (ie. Reading Cosmo)
51% (188) Coming up with tasks to humiliate him in public
45% (167) (ie. Shopping)
53% (194) Tying him up to punish him if he screws up
51% (189) Tying him up for the fun of it
40% (148) Making him kiss, dance, and flirt with other guys
30% (113) Making him date other guys

365 voters have answered this question.

Should I keep taking pictures

89% (328) Yes, make him dig himself in deepr
10% (38) No, you have plenty of evidence

366 voters have answered this question.

I bet some of my friends would love to help. Should I get my girlfriends involved?

46% (171) Yes, the more the merrier
39% (145) Yes, but only the ones you are absolutely sure about
13% (50) No, keep it private

366 voters have answered this question.

If he refuses what should I do

45% (164) Overpower him, tie him up, and make him do it
9% (33) Respect his wishes
23% (86) Send out the pictures
21% (79) Get some friends to help convince him

362 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-11-30 00:44:42 by Steph n Charge
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