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High Heels - how and where do you wear them?

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As a 36-year old with a long history of wearing heels from my fifteenth birthday on, like most women I've occasionally worn them in what might be considered inappropriate circumstances. Having nothing better to do, I wanted to find out the extent to which this is widely shared. The poll is firmly based on my own experience (my answers to all the bits in the first question below would be yes), so there may be countless other unusual circumstances in which you've worn heels that are not covered here; if so, let us know in the message area. At the end there are a few general questions about your preferences for heels; as you'll have guessed it's a poll directed at women (yes, no men please) who wear heels fairly regularly. By high heels, I mean slender ones of about 3 inches (7.5 cm) or more.

Have you ever engaged in any of the following activities while wearing high heels? If you do so regularly, or there was something particularly amusing or memorable about the incident, let us know in the message area.

58% (89) Run
17% (26) Done a team ballgame such as football
17% (27) Done some other sport such as tennis
23% (35) Done gym or aerobics
65% (99) Walked in open country, woodland or scrub
41% (62) Walked, hiked or rambled across rough or wild country
34% (52) Waded into or across a river, stream or lake
18% (28) Swum in the sea
28% (43) Swum in a pool
56% (86) Climbed a ladder
18% (28) Climbed (or tried to climb) a rope
27% (41) Climbed a tree
41% (63) Climbed over a high wall, fence or gate
61% (93) Ridden a bicycle
19% (29) Done a sponsored walk
51% (78) Done Do-it-yourself (repairs or redecorations on the house)
55% (84) Washed the car
41% (62) Changed a wheel on the car
27% (42) Done any other work on a car
41% (63) Gardened
15% (23) Used a firearm
9% (15) Done military drill (moved by word of command as part of a squad or body of individuals)
34% (52) Had a shower
23% (36) Had a bath
23% (35) Ridden a horse
59% (90) Walked the dog
71% (108) Made love (keeping your shoes on right the way to the end) (no gory details in the message area, please)
50% (76) Slept in your bed
42% (64) Slept in someone else's bed
39% (59) Slept elsewhere

151 voters have answered this question.

In which of the following locations do you wear high heels?

81% (128) At work
51% (81) At school
37% (60) At university
81% (128) At home in the evening
79% (125) At home at the weekend
75% (119) At home when others are round
82% (130) At other people's houses when they've invited you
89% (142) At parties
86% (136) At clubs or when out
74% (118) At concerts
87% (138) Shopping

158 voters have answered this question.

I wore heels at school as often as I was allowed, in the 80s. I see a certain amount of schoolgirls doing so again these days. If you're at school, this question applies to you; check one box.

27% (28) I'm at school in the British Isles and regularly wear heels at school
0% (1) I'm at school in the British Isles and occasionally wear heels at school
1% (2) I'm at school in the British Isles and would wear heels at school if allowed
0% (0) I'm at school in the British Isles and would never willingly wear heels at school
24% (25) I'm at school in North America and regularly wear heels at school
8% (9) I'm at school in North America and occasionally wear heels at school
2% (3) I'm at school in North America and would wear heels at school if allowed
0% (0) I'm at school in North America and would never willingly wear heels at school
15% (16) I'm at school in Europe and regularly wear heels at school
2% (3) I'm at school in Europe and occasionally wear heels at school
0% (0) I'm at school in Europe and would wear heels at school if allowed
0% (1) I'm at school in Europe and would never willingly wear heels at school
5% (6) I'm at school elsewhere and regularly wear heels at school
1% (2) I'm at school elsewhere and occasionally wear heels at school
3% (4) I'm at school elsewhere and would wear heels at school if allowed
1% (2) I'm at school elsewhere and would never willingly wear heels at school

102 voters have answered this question.

If like me you now regularly wear heels at work, do you wear them on the way to and from work, or do you put on different fotwear for the journey? I realise your practice may change from time to time, but please choose the one you follow most frequently.

70% (95) Wear my smart high heels to and from work without a care
6% (9) The high heels I wear at work aren't particularly smart anyway so it scarcely matters
2% (3) I change into trainers or plimsolls for the journey
5% (7) I change into flat, but still smart, shoes for the journey
3% (5) I change into slightly lower heels for the journey
1% (2) I change into similarly high, but less smart, heels for the journey
9% (13) I change into higher heels for the journey (as the poll-setter sometimes does, since she has at least one pair of very high heels that's a bit worn out and actually more comfy than many lower pairs)

134 voters have answered this question.

What sort of high heels do you mainly wear in the working day? Court shoes (pumps), sandals or boots? Put them in order of use.

56% (84) When wearing heels at work I generally wear court shoes or pumps
12% (19) When wearing heels at work I generally wear sandals
8% (13) When wearing heels at work I generally wear boots
12% (18) When wearing heels at school I generally wear court shoes or pumps
4% (6) When wearing heels at school I generally wear sandals
6% (9) When wearing heels at school I generally wear boots

149 voters have answered this question.

What sort of high heels do you generally wear at home?

52% (78) When wearing heels at home I generally wear court shoes or pumps
30% (45) When wearing heels at home I generally wear sandals
16% (25) When wearing heels at home I generally wear boots

148 voters have answered this question.

What sort of heels do you wear when out enjoying yourself socially?

58% (89) When wearing heels socially I generally wear court shoes or pumps
21% (32) When wearing heels socially I generally wear sandals
20% (31) When wearing heels socially I generally wear boots

152 voters have answered this question.

My favourite high heels are definitely court shoes or pumps - I'm fairly conservative in style but I love the way they get used as part of a radical or trendy look too. But I am continually frustrated by the changes introduced by the footwear industry to what is basically a classic and straightforward style, especially from the early 90s on. Do you agree?

32% (45) I can't stand the clumpy, round-toed high heels of the nineties
15% (22) I can't stand the pointy, spiky heels of the last two years
6% (9) I can't stand the round-toed high heels of the last season
9% (13) I can't stand any of the above and just wish they'd left things well alone the way they were in, say, 1987
43% (60) I love all the above and will go with whatever fashion dictates in high heels
7% (11) I haven't noticed the changes in style to which you refer

139 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-12-06 12:16:33 by Emma Badian
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