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What do you want in a book?

I've started writing something but I've hit a few dead ends, and besides that I don't know what people look for or like in writing.... I want my story to be based on the life of a young female?, who meets some 'incredible' people. Yes I know it's a cliche, but I want to try a different take on it. I have a few ideas but at the moment I only have a concept, not a story. Which is a problem. So please answer the questions as honestly as possible. I will be much obliged. :) Finally if you have any ideas about names please leave a comment. Thank you.

I want the protagonist to be a relatively young female. What age should she be?

0% (0) A child. Less than 10
29% (7) A teen. 10 - 16
58% (14) A young woman. 17 - 25
12% (3) 26 or Older

24 voters have answered this question.

For the format of the writing, would you prefer....?

40% (10) Everything in first person. From the point of view of the female protagonist.
20% (5) Everything in first person. From several characters points of view.
8% (2) Both in first person and third. First person only from the female protagonists point of view.
12% (3) Both in first person and third. First person from two or more characters viewpoints.
20% (5) All in third person.

25 voters have answered this question.

What should my female protagonist look like And what should be her most distinctive features? I think I want her human but I want to know what you think suits.

82% (19) Eye Colour:
73% (17) Hair Colour:
56% (13) Skin Colour:
65% (15) Hair Length:
60% (14) Height:
13% (3) Anything else you want to add

23 voters have answered this question.

I want her to be a likable character. So what should she be like? What personality would you prefer her to have? Pick the most important traits you think she should have.

40% (9) Friendly
54% (12) Kind
31% (7) Sarcastic
54% (12) Honest
45% (10) Sense of humor
4% (1) Loud
45% (10) Shy
50% (11) Quiet
54% (12) Common sense
31% (7) Confident
13% (3) Physically strong
45% (10) Mentally strong
4% (1) Popular
45% (10) 'Unique'
13% (3) Special powers
36% (8) Proud
59% (13) Compassionate
54% (12) Considerate
4% (1) Liar
4% (1) Physically Weak
18% (4) Mentally Weak
0% (0) No sense of Humor
9% (2) Cold
27% (6) Alone
31% (7) Cheerful
0% (0) Miserable
22% (5) Social
4% (1) Antisocial
72% (16) Passionate
0% (0) Shallow
36% (8) Protective of herself
50% (11) Protective of others
63% (14) Loyal
18% (4) Anything Else:

22 voters have answered this question.

What is the most important thing about a story? What makes you read a book and not put it down? Please pick no more than two.

16% (4) The Plot. Full of action, never a dull moment.
37% (9) An intriguing Story-line. A plot that makes you ask questions and want to know more, it doesn't matter if there is a dull bit because your too distracted by what you don't know to put the book down.
58% (14) Emotive characters that you become strongly attached to or even hate. They're still real when you put the book down.
37% (9) Characters that you can associate with. You can imagine being in their shoes and can understand what they're thinking and feeling. Characters you can become.
37% (9) A well written book. Beautifully crafted sentences with have a constant pace that draw you into the flow of the words, Each word is perfectly chosen and fits into it's given place. You know exactly what the author is trying to convey.
33% (8) All of the above.
8% (2) Something Else:

24 voters have answered this question.

Love in a book...?

47% (10) The female protagonist will fall in love. With a happy ending.
14% (3) The female protagonist will fall in love. With an unresolved ending.
14% (3) The female protagonist will fall in love. Unrequited love.
9% (2) The female protagonist will fall in love. This love being the main motivation behind the story one way or another.
19% (4) Another of the main characters shall fall in love with the main character. With a happy ending
9% (2) Another of the main characters shall fall in love with the main character. With an unresolved ending.
19% (4) Another of the main characters shall fall in love with the main character. Unrequited love.
4% (1) Love is all around. Practically everyone is in love, looking for love or falling in love.
14% (3) Absolutely no Love what so ever in the entire book.
38% (8) Love is fine in a story but not as one of the key themes.

21 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-08-23 22:27:28 by NefariousUzumaki
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