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Hi, I have to wear my schooluniform at school and at home! That ****. So I want to ask you.

Do you wear a schooluniform/dresscode?

93% (231) Yes
6% (15) No, I wear my own cloth

246 voters have answered this question.

How does it looklike?

79% (193) shirt(long sleeved)
27% (67) shirt(short sleeved)
86% (211) tie
45% (111) sweater
19% (47) sweater vest
57% (139) blazer/jacket
24% (60) suit
19% (48) shorts
65% (160) dress pants
68% (167) socks
76% (185) dress shoes
12% (30) other

243 voters have answered this question.

If you wear a tie, do you wear it tightly tied?

79% (188) Always
4% (11) Usually
2% (6) Often
6% (15) Sometimes
7% (17) Never

237 voters have answered this question.

If you wear a shirt, do you wear it buttoned up and trucked in?

82% (203) allways
4% (12) usually
2% (5) often
2% (7) sometimes
7% (18) never

245 voters have answered this question.

If you wear it very smart, why?

68% (161) Parents make me
53% (126) School makes me
30% (71) I want to

235 voters have answered this question.

What do you wear at home?

48% (120) Uniform/dresscode
33% (83) homedresscode
17% (43) what I want

246 voters have answered this question.

If you wear your uniform/dresscode, do you wear your tie?

59% (131) Yes(parents make me)
21% (48) Yes(I want to)
7% (16) No(my uniform hasn't got a tie)
10% (24) No(other)

219 voters have answered this question.

If you wear a home dresscode, do you wear a tie?

58% (119) Yes(parents make me)
17% (36) Yes(I want to)
24% (50) No

205 voters have answered this question.

If you wear what you want, do you wear a tie?

40% (81) Yes
59% (120) No

201 voters have answered this question.

Do you wear a shirt?

58% (140) Yes(parents make me)
29% (71) Yes(I want to)
12% (29) No

240 voters have answered this question.

If you wear shirt and tie, what do you do if it's hot?

66% (150) Tightly tied tie, buttoned up shirt, trucked in (parents make me)
25% (57) Tightly tied tie, buttoned up shirt, trucked in (I want to)
9% (22) Loosen tie
8% (18) opend shirt
7% (17) untrucked shirt

225 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-06-12 19:03:13 by Rik121
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